
  1. 本文还对山莨菪碱的细胞保护机制作了进一步分析。

    The possible mechanisms of cellular protection of anisodamine was discussed .

  2. 你还想着山?

    Are you still thinking about yamanami ?

  3. 本文还对山斗杉木种子园1990年的产量年景作了第一级预报。

    The first grade forecast of seed crop in1990 was also made for Shandou Seed Orchard of Chinese fir .

  4. 直到那时我们还不知道山那边有什么。

    Till then we never knew , what was over the mountain .

  5. 还可以看到山上残存的城堡的遗迹。

    The remains of the castle can still be seen on the hill .

  6. 在我住的地方,你还需要小心山上的狮子和土狼

    You also have to look out for mountain lions and coyotes where I live

  7. 在我住的地方,你还需要小心山上的狮子和土狼……不过我想在城市生活的你也是需要同交通拥挤之类的事情搏斗。

    You also have to look out for mountain lions and coyotes where I live ... though I guess you have to battle traffic and other such things in the city .

  8. 走出帐篷,虽然头顶上的天都已经大亮了,但太阳还被埋在山的背后,山谷被朦胧的阴影笼罩着。

    Out of the tent , although the head on the bright days have been great , but the sun still buried in the mountains behind the shadow of the valley was shrouded in obscurity .

  9. 读者一定还记得基督山伯爵那几位住在密斯雷路的新或说得更确切些,是老相识吧。莫雷尔、尤莉和艾曼纽。

    IT WILL BE recollected that the new , or rather old , acquaintances of the Count of Monte Cristo , residing in the Rue Meslay , were no other than Maximilian , Julie , and Emmanuel .

  10. 现年44岁的娜塔莉·劳伦斯从德国订购了洋娃娃的身体部分,材质为硅胶。之后,她花了两个月的时间,十分仔细地画出了乔治小王子的面部,还用安哥拉山羊毛给洋娃娃缝了一头金发。

    Natalie Lawrence , 44 , ordered the doll 's silicone body from Germany before she spent more than two months painstakingly painting on George 's face and sewing on his golden locks with Angora goat hair 。

  11. 可是我还逃不到山上,恐怕这灾祸就追上了我,我就死了。

    But I can 't flee to the mountains ; this disaster will overtake me , and I 'll die .

  12. 还记得他在山上,衣服变更,脸容变更,绽放光芒的情节吗。

    Remember when he 's up on the mountain and his clothing changes , his face changes , he starts shining .

  13. 与以往不同的是,为了营造一种轻松的氛围,会场还增加了洛基山滑雪场式的布置。

    The Roundup adds an extra dimension to the OpenSpace format with the Rocky Mountain ski town setting , helping to create an extra laid back atmosphere .

  14. 年代学资料还表明,莲花山断裂带西南段自117.5Ma以来受伸展控制的冷却上升速率大约为0.03~0.29mm/a。

    Geochronological data show that the cooling uplifting of the southwestern segment in the Lianhuashan zone controlled by the crustal extension since 117.5 Ma B.P. is at a rate of about 0.03 ~ 0.29 mm / a.

  15. 声明还说,朝鲜还将关闭金刚山旅游地区的通讯联络站,这个联络站已经由于另外一起争议而被关闭。

    It said it will also shut a liaison office at the shared Mount Kumgang resort , which is already closed over a separate dispute .

  16. 她还学习了歌剧演唱、接受了保镖训练、乘坐了挎斗摩托车、学习了尊巴健身舞,在加利福尼亚还爬了座山这些都是和她Facebook上的好友一起完成的。

    She also learned opera singing , trained to be a bodyguard , rode in a motorcycle sidecar , took Zumba lessons and climbed a mountain in California all with her Facebook friends .