
zǐ yuē
  • 熟语Confucius said
  1. 子曰:良药苦于利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。

    Confucius said : just as bitter medicine cures sickness , so unpalatable advice benefits conduct .

  2. 子曰:「君子之于天下也,无适也,无莫也,义之于比。」君王若听谎言,他一切臣仆都是奸恶。

    Confucius said : " When the Superior Man deals with the world he is not prejudiced for or against anything . He does what is Right . " If a ruler hearken to lies , all his servants are wicked .

  3. 子曰:有教无类。

    Confucius once said , @ Instruction knows no class distinction .

  4. 当然有用了,子曰:知识就是力量。

    Lyu : Of cause it is ! Zi said : Knowledge is power .

  5. 子曰:若要报复别人,最好挖两个坟墓。(己所不欲,勿施于人)

    Confucius one dose : Therefore you unbar on the journey on revenge , dig two graves .

  6. 读子曰,论人才&孔子人才标准的现代启示

    Read Confucian Analects and Dissertate the Talents & Enlightenments from Confucius ' Value of the Standard of Talents

  7. 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”

    The Master said , " Learning without thought is labor lost ; thought without learning is perilous . "

  8. 子曰:「暴虎冯河,死而无悔者,吾不与也。

    " Confucius : " die fighting tiger drown crossing river , die with no regret , I will not with ?

  9. 子曰:“己所不欲,勿施于人。”

    The Master said , " What you do not want done to yourself , do not do to others . "

  10. 子曰:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”

    The Master said , " The mechanic , who wishes to do his work well , must first sharpen his tools . "

  11. 子曰,“回也,其心三月不违仁,其余则日月至焉而已矣。”

    The Master said ," Hui is one whose heart , for three moons on end , does not depart from humanity . "

  12. 子曰:“人无远虑,必有近忧。”

    The Master said , " If a man takes no thought about what is distant , he will find sorrow near at hand . "

  13. 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎。有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎。”

    The Master said , " Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application ? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters ? Is he not a man of complete virture , who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him ? "