
  • 网络Submucous myoma;submucosal myoma of uterus
  1. 结论TCRM是治疗子宫黏膜下肌瘤的金标准术式,掌握好手术适应证,加强术中监护,可预防并发症的发生。

    Conclusions TCRM is the golden standard in the treatment of submucosal myoma of uterus . Proper selection of patients , careful monitoring during operation , and strict prevention of complications are necessary .

  2. 宫腔镜电切术治疗8例多发性子宫黏膜下肌瘤

    Multiple submucosal myoma of uterus in 8 patients treated by hysteroscopic electrotomy

  3. 目的:研究米非司酮(Ru486)在子宫黏膜下肌瘤官腔镜术前的应用价值。

    Objective : To study the value of the Mifepristone ( Ru486 ) before hysteroscopic surgery for hysteromyoma .

  4. 结果:123例患者中,SHG诊断为正常宫腔者22例,子宫黏膜下肌瘤33例,子宫内膜息肉22例,子宫内膜癌8例,子宫内膜增生过长26例,宫腔粘连12例。

    Results The SHG findings were as follows : findings were normal in 22 patients and submucosal myomas were identified in 33 patients , polyps in 22 patients , endometrial carcinoma in 8 patients , endometrial hyperplasia in 26 patients and uterine cavity synechiae in 12 patients .

  5. 微波在脱入阴道内子宫黏膜下肌瘤治疗中的应用

    Application of Microwave in Therapy of Submucous Myoma of Uterus into Vagina

  6. 宫腔镜手术治疗肥胖患者子宫黏膜下肌瘤66例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 66 cases fat patients uterine submucous myoma treatment in hysteroscope

  7. 目的探讨宫腔镜切除大子宫黏膜下肌瘤的可行性和安全性。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility and safety of hysteroscopic resection of large submucous hysteromyomas .

  8. 阴式与腹式子宫黏膜下肌瘤剔除术的比较

    Comparison between Vaginal and Abdominal Myomectomy

  9. 目的:探讨宫腔镜治疗子宫黏膜下肌瘤及子宫颈息肉的临床效果。

    Objective : To investigate the hysteroscopic treatment of the submucous myoma of uterus and the cervical polyp .

  10. 方法:回顾性分析33例宫腔镜电切治疗子宫黏膜下肌瘤及子宫颈息肉的临床资料。

    Methods : The data of hysteroscopic treatment of the submucous myoma of uterus and the cervical polyp in33 patients were retrospectively analyzed .

  11. 结果子宫黏膜下肌瘤17例,子宫内膜息肉34例,宫颈息肉48例,胚物残留22例,子宫内膜癌5例,子宫颈癌1例。

    Results 17 uterine submucous leiomyomas , 34 uterine endometrial polyps , 48 cervix polyps , 5 endometrium carcinomas , one cervix carcinoma were diagnosed .

  12. 结果术后2个月随访并行B超检测,其中电切子宫黏膜下肌瘤245例,宫腔积液1例(1/245例,0.41%);

    [ Results ] One case had fluidify in cavitary uteri in 245 patients of submucous myoma after hysteroscope electrocision ( 1 / 245,0.41 % ) .

  13. 结论宫腔镜切除大子宫黏膜下肌瘤,创伤小,疗效确切,但手术难度大,容易发生术中并发症,需要准确的术前评估,熟练的操作技能和完善的术中监测。

    Inasmuch as the difficulty of the procedure and the frequency of complications , however , proper preoperative evaluation , skillful surgical performance and strict intraoperative monitoring are required .

  14. 方法本文对74例经阴道三维超声诊断并经官腔镜及手术病理证实的官腔病变的超声图像特征进行了回顾性分析,其中包括子宫黏膜下肌瘤38例。

    Methods We reviewed the characteristics of ultrasound imaging of 74 cases with uterine cavity diseases which were diagnosed by three-dimensional sonography and proved by hysteroscopy and pathological examination .

  15. 方法1999年1月至2004年11月,威海市妇女儿童医院对146例经宫腔镜联合超声检查发现子宫黏膜下肌瘤行宫腔镜肌瘤电切手术。

    Methods Hysteroscope electrotomy was used to treat 146 cases of submucous myoma diagnosed by hysteroscope and B-mode ultrasonography from January 1999 to November 2004 in Weihai Municipal Maternal and Child Hospital .

  16. 方法75例患者,经临床症状,彩超和(或)CT检查确诊子宫肌瘤,其中黏膜下肌瘤9例,肌壁间肌瘤50例,浆膜下肌瘤16例;

    Methods The diagnosis of 75 patients was assumed by clinical symptoms , color Doppler ultrasound and / or CT imaging .

  17. 超声造影在子宫内膜癌与黏膜下肌瘤鉴别诊断中的应用

    Diagnostic value of real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in differentiating endometrial carcinoma from submucous myoma