
miǎn yì jiǎn cè
  • Immunoassay;immunodetection
  1. 金黄色葡萄球菌NorA蛋白免疫检测方法的建立

    Immunodetection of NorA protein in Staphylococcus aureus

  2. 结论免疫检测方法可用于检测金葡萄菌耐药转运蛋白NorA的表达水平。

    Conclusion The immunodetection method can be used for the detection NorA protein in Staphylococcus aureus .

  3. 且固定化寡核苷酸探针保持了较好的生物学活性,所制备链亲和素磁性微粒在免疫检测、PCR产物纯化、特定mRNA纯化方面都获得了较好的结果。

    Good experimental results of Streptavidin in the application of immunoassay , PCR products purification and mRNA purification were obtained .

  4. 酶标SPA在鸭病毒性肝炎免疫检测上的应用研究

    Application on PPA in Dot Blot Immunoassay to Detect DHV

  5. 方法用ELISA酶联免疫检测法定量分析MM和浆细胞白血病患者血浆syndecan1水平。

    Methods Serum level of soluble syndecan 1 of patients with MM and plasma cell leukemia was determined by ELISA .

  6. 本次研究的主要目的是建立快速检测Bt毒蛋白的胶体金免疫检测技术。

    The aim of this study was to establish the immunogold biochemical and immune determination .

  7. 以PVS沉淀法和荧光免疫检测法,考察爪蟾V、V工期卵母细胞是否有内源性的LDLR。

    ㏕ o investigate whether Xenopus Oocyte have endogenetic LDLR with PVS Sedimentation and Fluorescence detection .

  8. 采用猪视网膜为靶组织,采用FDA酶联免疫检测的样品前处理方法进行了盐酸克伦特罗残留的定性及定量检测方法研究。

    The qualitative and quantitative determination of Clenbuterol residue in porcine retinal tissue by the method of FDA was studied .

  9. 一种结合表面增强拉曼(SERS)技术和纳米粒子标记技术,通过银增强来实现免疫检测的方法。

    An immunoassay based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering ( SERS ) and nanoparticle labeling by silver enhancement is described .

  10. Sjogren综合征泪液的免疫检测

    Tear Immunological Analysis in Sjogren s Syndrome

  11. 小儿喉乳头状瘤HPV-DNA及体液免疫检测

    Detection of HPV-DNA and humoral immunity in juvenile laryngeal papilloma

  12. 本文对IgY的结构、提取纯化以及在免疫检测、免疫治疗等方面的应用进行了较详细的论述。

    The structure , separation , purification , and the application of IgY on immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy are discussed in detail .

  13. 叶绿素蛋白复合物凝胶电泳分离,SDS-PAGE,westernblots免疫检测、以及叶绿素荧光诱导动力学结果均确证暗萌发莲苗有光合系统的发育,特别是PSI的出现;

    The results from chlorophyll-protein complex separation , SDS-PAGE , Western Blots , and fluorescence induction kinetics all demonstrated the photosystem development , especially the PSI appearance in dark-grown lotus seedlings .

  14. 抗人肝癌单抗制备的HAg18-1血清酶联免疫检测试剂在肝癌病人诊断中的初步应用

    Preliminary use of hag 18-1 rapid serum ELA kit in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

  15. 方法:采取酶联免疫检测仪测定50例青年人脑卒中患者LP(α)、oxLDL含量,并与50例正常对照者进行比较。

    Methods : Serum content of LP (α) and oxLDL were determined by ELISA way in the young stroke group ( 50 cases ) and the result was compared with that of control group ( 50 healthy people ) .

  16. 液相杂交技术在聚合酶链反应酶联免疫检测的应用

    Liquid phase hybridization in polymerase chain reaction enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

  17. 蛋白免疫检测技术在天花粉真伪鉴别中的初步研究

    Study on Radix Trichosanthis identification using protein immunization detection technology

  18. 制备的胶体金呈单分散的球形分布,具有较高的生物学活性,适用于胶体金免疫检测。

    The colloidal gold presents monodispersity and spheric shape and has good biological activity .

  19. 仿生物免疫检测算法是人工免疫系统研究的一个重要的组成部分。

    Immune detection algorithms are an important part of research of artificial immune system .

  20. 反复呼吸道感染患儿细胞免疫检测及香菇多糖作用初探

    Investigation of Cellular Immune Status and Effect of Lentinan on the Patients with Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection in Children

  21. 采取放射免疫检测笑气(50%)无痛分娩对产妇泌乳素的影响。

    The effect of50 % Xiaoqi on painless childbirth by detecting pituitary prolactin ( PRL ) of puerperal with Radioimmunoassay .

  22. 利用免疫检测技术进行植物转基因的表达检测是一种简单、灵敏、快速、可靠的方法,但其前提条件是要有与转基因植物目的基因表达的蛋白质发生特异性免疫反应的抗体或抗血清。

    Utilizing the technique of immunoassay to detect the expression of transgenic plant is simple , sensitive , fast and credible .

  23. 金标免疫层析法检测黄曲霉毒素B1的方法

    Study on the methodology of gold labeled immunochromatographic strip assay for detection of AFB_1 in food

  24. 酶联免疫定量检测人血清载脂蛋白B(100)的研究

    A study on quantitation of human serum apolipoprotein b_ ( 100 ) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

  25. 间接酶联免疫定量检测风疹IgG的方法学研究

    Study on application of indirect ELISA for quantitatively detecting Rubella IgG

  26. 用放射免疫法检测血清LH、FSH、睾酮浓度。

    By radioimmunoassay detect serum LH , FSH , testosterone concentration .

  27. 酶免疫法检测抗丙型肝炎病毒E2抗体

    Enzyme immune assay for detecting antibody against hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein

  28. 方法RF采用透射比浊法测定,抗HAV-IgM采用酶联免疫法检测。

    Methods The serum levels of RF were determined by transmission turbidimetry and that of anti-HAV IgM with ELISA .

  29. 应用固相放射免疫试验检测甲型肝炎IgM抗体

    Application of solid phase radioimmunoassay in detection of IgM antibody to hepatitis A virus

  30. 采用放射免疫法检测大鼠血清Ⅲ型前胶原(Procollagen,PCⅢ)、透明质酸(HyaluronicAcid,HA)水平;

    Levels of serum procollagen III ( PCIII ) and hyaluronic acid ( HA ) were detected by radioimmunoassay ;