
  1. 有免费自助餐哦…

    And there 's a free buffet ...

  2. 「100人免费自助餐晚宴」奖品不包括其晚宴宾客之酒店住宿。

    The prize of a " Free Buffet for100 People " does not include accommodation for the invited guests .

  3. 引领硅谷免费自助餐潮流的谷歌公司并未立刻发表对此事的看法。

    Google , which popularized the free Silicon Valley buffet , did not immediately respond to a request for comment .

  4. 「100人免费自助餐晚宴」餐饮券总价值等同或不多于澳门币50000元正,餐饮券有效期为签发日期计起6个月内。

    The dining gift certificate of a " Free Buffet for100 People " is worth up to a maximum of MOP50, 000.The Dining Gift Certificate is valid for6 months from the date of issue .

  5. 在舞会之前,我们中国学生在一个叫作四季的中国餐馆吃了个免费的自助餐。

    Before that , our Chinese students had free buffet in a Chinese restaurant called Four Seasons .

  6. 在咖啡厅,仅当月生日员工本人有权免费享用全套自助餐包括软饮。

    Guildline : a only employes themselves are entitled to have full buffet dinner including one soft drink in the hotel Ka Fei Ting without charge .