
  • 网络Free to Play;free game;free;Top Free
  1. 如果你不了解你应该去了解下这是Facebook上的免费游戏

    And if you don 't know about We Topia , you should , It 's a free game on Facebook

  2. 这是一款名为《旅行者IQ大挑战》(TravelerIQChallenge)的免费游戏。游玩家在一张二维地图上寻找金沙萨、莫斯科或其他城市及景点的所在位置,然后根据答题的速度和准确度来评分。

    The free game , Traveler IQ Challenge , has become an unlikely hit by getting players to locate Kinshasa , Moscow and other cities and attractions by clicking on a crude , two-dimensional world map , and scoring them based on the speed and accuracy of their responses .

  3. 先是免费游戏,然后是聊天应用(app)。

    First came free-to-play games , then chat apps .

  4. 遍及移动设备、PC、家用游戏机甚至次时代游戏的免费游戏已经帮助这个行业扩大了受众。

    Available across mobile devices , PCs , consoles , and even coming to next-gen , F2P has helped broaden the demographics of the industry .

  5. 索尼还计划在今年六月的洛杉矶E3展会上继续推出其它免费游戏。

    Sony plans to announce other free games at the E3 trade show in Los Angeles in June .

  6. 免费游戏让中国的腾讯(Tencent)得以不理会非法下载的威胁,并成为全球最大企业之一。

    Giving away games has enabled China 's Tencent to brush off the threat of illegal downloads and become one of the biggest companies in the world .

  7. 打造了风靡全球的《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)系列的游戏公司Rovio娱乐有限公司(RovioEntertainmentLtd.)正在调整其商业策略,意图通过提供免费游戏来创造更多收入。

    Rovio Entertainment Ltd. , the games company behind the immensely popular Angry Birds franchise , is changing its business strategy , aiming to earn more money by making its games free .

  8. 尽管公司此前曾尝试过免费游戏策略,但这是《愤怒的小鸟》系列第一款意在与其他免费增值游戏相竞争的游戏,例如Supercell的《部落战争》(ClashofClans)以及King的《糖果粉碎传奇》(CandyCrush)。

    While the company has experimented with the free-to-play strategy in the past , this is the first time an Angry Birds game has been solely designed to compete with other freemium games , such as Supercell 's ' Clash of Clans ' or King 's ' Candy Crush . '

  9. 公司执行副总裁拉埃斯(JamiLaes)在接受采访时说,免费游戏对于我们来说是一项新事物,所以我们要慢慢来。

    ' Free-to-play is new for us , ' Jami Laes , Rovio 's executive vice president for games , said in an interview . ' That 's why we are taking it slow . '

  10. 儿童可在儿童乐园享受一次免费游戏(蛋糕制作)。

    Complimentary activities for1 child at Kids Kempi ( cake making ) .

  11. 阿曼达:它是我电脑上的免费游戏。

    Amanda : it came free with my computer .

  12. 由于盗版猖獗,免费游戏模式在中国应运而生。

    F2P is a model that was born out of necessity in China because of piracy .

  13. 另一个机会则是免费游戏。

    Another element is free-to-play gaming .

  14. 如果你想要发挥了良好的免费游戏-您已选择正确的。

    If you want to play a good free arcade game-you 've chosen the right one .

  15. 艺电宣布,公司将为注册用户提供一款免费游戏,作为补偿。

    EA announced it would give registered users a free title to make up for the problems .

  16. 大多数这些免费游戏都采用售卖游戏内道具的形式。

    Most of those free-entry MMOs are offering sales ( in exchange of real money ) of in-game materials item by item .

  17. 拉埃斯说,免费游戏显然是一个极佳的价格点,它能让更多的消费者接触到我们的产品和娱乐体验。

    Free is obviously a great price point to get our product and entertainment experiences into the hands of more consumers , ' he said .

  18. 据艺电透露,这款免费游戏每天有300万活跃用户,而且自去年夏季推出以来已获得了5000万美元的营收。

    According to EA , the free game has 3 million daily active users and has generated $ 50 million in revenue since its launch last summer .

  19. 她领导Kongregate最初的产品开发,从第一张线框图到运行的站点,事事过问。为了吸引玩家更多地尝试永无止境的免费游戏,她还设计了水平和计分制度。

    She led the initial product development of Kongregate , from the first wireframes to live site , including designing the level and points system that lures gamers back to try more of the never-ending stream of free-to-play games .

  20. 近年来,西方国家见证了免费游戏商业模式的成长,而这一概念最早其实源自亚洲市场,被用于打击盗版和将游戏推向网吧里的游戏玩家。

    While the West has seen growth in the free-to-play business model in recent years , the concept originated in Asia as a way to combat piracy as well as a way to deliver games to consumers who played at PC cafes .

  21. 免费在线游戏网站MrGamez发起了一项研究,从而指出守时对全世界不同国家的重要性有什么不同--而结果差异非常巨大。

    Free online gaming website Mr Gamez has created a study to find how much and how little value different nations around the world place on punctuality - and the results differ enormously .

  22. Rovio娱乐在2009年进军移动游戏市场,并于上个月推出了免费增值游戏《AngryBirdsGo!》。

    Rovio , which burst onto the mobile-games scene in 2009 , released ' Angry Birds Go ! ' on a freemium basis last month .

  23. 游戏制造商维尔福公司(Valve)出品的免费射击游戏《军团要塞2》(TeamFortress2)的升级版,是正式支持Rift3-D体验的首款游戏。

    An updated version of Team Fortress 2 , a free-to-play shooter from game creator valve , is the first game to officially support the 3-D experience offered by rift .

  24. 去年12月,在拉斯维加斯的一场活动上,索尼旗下的圣地亚哥工作室推出它的首款免费增值游戏《KillStrain》,这是一款“5V2V5”的多人对战射击游戏。

    At an event in Las Vegas in December , Sony 's internal San Diego Studios debuted its first free-to-play game , Kill Strain , which pits teams of five verses two verses five players in shooting action .

  25. 而如今公司转变轨道,进入了所谓的免费增值游戏(freemiumgames)领域。这一商业模式下的游戏均可免费下载,但附加有一些须付费才能使用的功能,例如加速游戏进程或提升力量。

    But now it has changed course and entered the world of so-called freemium games , where the game costs nothing to download , but is packed with features that users must pay to access , such as ways to speed up the game or increase power .

  26. 即使是完全免费的游戏,他们也能找到理由抱怨。

    Even if it is a totally free game , they will find reasons to complain .

  27. 究竟是应该让用户先预付一笔费用,还是让用户一开始免费玩游戏,随后花钱够买额外的功能呢?

    Should users pay up a fee upfront , or pay nothing initially but cough up money later for extra features ?

  28. 当盛大宣布不再收取订费、允许玩家免费进入游戏时,许多投资者都很沮丧。

    When Shanda said it was scrapping subscriptions to give players free access to its games , many investors were dismayed .

  29. 最后,我从事交易21年,因此可以证明,交易员有意进行免费期权游戏。

    Finally , I was involved in trading for 21 years and I can testify that traders consciously play the free option game .

  30. 观赏羽毛飞你踢家禽目标与欢闹的结果在此独家免费手机游戏的基础上寓言二。

    Watch the feathers fly as you punt poultry at targets with hilarious results in this exclusive free mobile game based on Fable II .