
  1. 人称“凤姐”的罗玉凤因一系列雷人言论在网络上走红。

    Dubbed " Sister Feng ", she became notoriously famous online for her series of mind blowing comments .

  2. 这些择偶要求很刺眼是因为罗玉凤当时只是家乐福超市一家连锁店的收银员。

    This requirement also stood out because of her position at the time as a cashier at a local branch of Carrefour supermarket .

  3. 然而,作为当今网络红人之一的罗玉凤却否认自己成名与外援有关。

    However , Luo Yufeng , one of the biggest Web celebrities today , denies receiving any help on her road to stardom .

  4. 27岁的罗玉凤曾是整个中国的笑柄,现在则生活在布鲁克林做美甲师。

    Yufeng Luo , 27 , who became a national laughingstock in China , now lives and works in Brooklyn as a manicurist .

  5. “在中国,所有人都讨厌我,但是希望在这里大家不会讨厌我,”罗玉凤用中文告诉《纽约邮报》。

    " I was hated in China and don 't wanted to be hated by people here ," Feng told The Post in Chinese .