
  • 网络game interface
  1. 再来谈一点游戏界面。

    Let 's talk about the game interface for a tad .

  2. 因此,游戏界面决定了游戏的可玩性。

    Game interface determines the game game-play .

  3. 在2D平面网格游戏界面上,双方进行对抗。游戏本身带有几十个可擦掉的模式方块,这些方块可以假定为地理景观,比如河流和山川,以便创造尽可能多的实际战场情况。

    Players were pitted against each other on a D & D-esque gridded gaming board , which itself was lined with dozens of removable modular tiles that simulated landscapes such as rivers and hills in order to allow the creation of a near-unlimited number of practice battlefields .

  4. 新界面:新的和女性人物模型相关的游戏界面。

    New interface : all interface relate the female player mod .

  5. 这也是设计艺术的一大更新,更加体现设计的人性化和人文关怀,游戏界面设计只是数字化设计中的一个部分。

    Interface design of net-play is only a part of digital design .

  6. 计算机游戏界面设计中的人机交互性研究

    Researches on Interaction of Computer Games ' UI Design

  7. 游戏界面美观,程序精炼,操作简单,吸引力强。

    The game system has a friendly user interface , and a streamlined procedure .

  8. 网络游戏界面设计研究

    The Research on UI Design of Net-Play

  9. 游戏界面的软件实现。

    Game interface software realization .

  10. 第五部分,针对游戏界面的整体性设计提出了总的设计原则,并为基于视觉信息传达的游戏界面设计提供了可参考的过程设计模型。

    The fifth part provides a reference design model to the game based on visual information transmission interface .

  11. 贪吃蛇如果吃到自己和碰到墙就会死亡,重新开始游戏界面。-。

    Snake eat their own and hit the wall if it will die , restart the game interface .

  12. 鉴于这个原因,游戏界面上的蛇或罪恶要比梯子或美德数量多。

    For this reason , there are more snakes / sins on the board than ladders / virtues .

  13. 许多家长对孩子热衷《我的世界》百思不得其解,很可能是因为其游戏界面有些单一。

    The uncompromising interface is probably why so many parents are baffled by their children 's love of Minecraft .

  14. 不外因为游戏界面的空间有限,所以目前英雄单位在游戏界面中只显示了三种。

    However , currently only three stats will be able to be displayed on the UI due to limited space .

  15. 今天就介绍到这里,明天的博客会和以往不同,没有视频,没有文字,取而代之的是更多的游戏界面的截图。

    And whilst we 're in screenshot mode , tomorrow 's blog will be a little bit different to the others .

  16. 游戏界面是人机之间沟通的桥梁,它起到连接游戏内核和玩家的作用。

    Game interface is the bridge between the computer and people , and it plays the role of connecting the game core with players .

  17. 从计算机游戏界面的概念入手,阐述了游戏界面设计中交互性的概念、组成、作用及意义;

    The article starts from the conception of computer games ' UI ( User Interface ) design , and elaborates the conception , compositions , functions and meanings of the interaction of computer games ' UI .

  18. 通过软件界面和硬件界面,重点论述了游戏界面交互性设计的规律和原则,归纳提出了游戏界面设计中人机交互性的特殊要求。

    Moreover , it stresses on the regulations and principles of interaction design in computer games ' UI , and puts forward its special requirements of design from the software UI and the hardware UI these two component parts of UI .

  19. 第三部分是对界面中视觉信息元素的分析研究,分别从文字、图形、色彩和布局四个方面分析了视觉元素在游戏界面设计中的作用和所存在的干扰因素。

    The third part is the interface elements of visual information analysis and design . Respectively , from text , graphics , color design and layout of the four aspects of the game interface design , this part analyze visual elements present in the interference factor .

  20. 基于视频与语音的多通道游戏用户界面系统

    A Multi-modal Game Player Interface System Based on Video and Speech

  21. 在多人游戏聊天界面中可以预览地图。

    You now can preview your map in the Multiplayer chat screen .

  22. 游戏的界面非常容易使用,只要几分钟就可以熟悉。

    The GUI is so easy to use I had it down pat after just a few moments .

  23. 游戏的界面很方便操作,虽然在连接上不同的计算机系统,以及移动、删除文件时可能显得笨重。

    The interface of the game is easy to manage , though connecting to different computer systems , and moving and deleting files , can be a bit clunky .

  24. 设计和实现了一套基于视频和语音的多通道游戏用户界面系统,以增强计算机游戏的交互性和游戏用户的沉浸感。

    In order to enhance game 's interactivity and player 's immersion in 3D computer games , we developed an easy-to-use and cost-effective interface system based on video and speech .

  25. 第六章中利用高层引擎接口开发RPG游戏场景编辑器界面。

    In the chapter 6 , we will make the RPG scene editor by interfaces of high level engine .

  26. cedega包含了一个安装和运行游戏的图形界面,还加上了对受防拷贝保护的软件的支持(不需要使用破解来免CD)(译者:wine的对防拷贝的支持不是很好)。

    Cedega does include a GUI for running installations and launching games , plus it includes some support for copy protection software ( you might not need to use a crack with Cedega ) .

  27. 电脑游戏的视觉界面分析

    The Study of the Visual Interface of the Computer Game

  28. 当点击“进行游戏”开始界面会直接开始。

    When clicking " Ready to Play " the Launcher now launches first .

  29. 另一家公司,波克,在每个游戏的登录界面上都增加了适龄提示。

    Another company BOKE has added an age rating to each game 's log in screen .

  30. 游戏的视觉界面是决定一款游戏好坏的重要内容之一。

    The visual interface of a game is an important content to decide whether the game is good .