
  • 网络game test;symbolic play test
  1. 这些工作解决了网络游戏测试中当前存在的部分问题,体现了探索式测试方法的价值。

    These work solve the existing problems of online game test and reflect the value of exploratory testing .

  2. 具备较丰富的项目管理能力,具有负责数款游戏测试管理工作的经验。

    Has the rich project management ability , has is responsible for several section game test management tm work the experience .

  3. 这个土生土长的硅谷人曾经在世嘉(Sega)、索尼(Sony)和美国艺电(ElectronicArts)从事过游戏测试工作。

    The Silicon Valley native has held video game testing jobs at Sega , Sony ( SNE ) and Electronic Arts ( ERTS ) .

  4. 德勤有自己的视频游戏测试。

    It is running a video game trial of its own .

  5. 一般一个游戏测试多长时间?

    Q.How long was a game usually in testing ?

  6. 象征性游戏测试的心理测量学特性研究

    Study of psychometric character of symbolic play test

  7. 在游戏测试之中,他们会经常被用到吗?

    Are they often used during gameplay testing ?

  8. 游戏测试将会维持多久?

    How long will the beta test last ?

  9. 游戏测试人员必须能够做全职工作时间,在我们的总部设在尔湾,加利福尼亚州。

    Game testers must be able to work full-time at our headquarters in Irvine , California .

  10. 同时在后期的细节调整时,通过游戏测试的结果修补前期宏观设计上的失误,以达到游戏平衡的效果。

    Use the test results repair the mistakes in the design at the time in the details of adjustments latter .

  11. 就算这些游戏测试的是正确的特质,一个明显的问题是人们可以耍花招。

    Even if these games were testing for the right attributes , the obvious problem is that they can be gamed .

  12. 网络游戏测试是整个游戏开发过程之中必不可少的重要环节,它也是保障网络游戏软件质量的重要手段。

    Online game test is an important part of game software development process . It is also an important means to guarantee game software quality .

  13. 但是,如果那些有长期压力的人们在完成文字游戏测试前先写下一些对他们来说很重要的东西,测试分数就和那些压力较小的成员们一样。

    But chronically stressed people who had written about something which was important to them before completing the test scored just as highly as low-stressed participants .

  14. 以及他们有什么样问题,然后我会安排游戏测试环节。刚开始,我向孩子们展示这四幅图。

    and what kind of questions they have and I would organize play testing sessions . I would start by showing the kids these four pictures .

  15. 可能听起来像做梦一样。但实际上这份工作的要求非常高。视频游戏测试师的主要职责包括玩最新游戏、报告漏洞以及评级。

    It may sound like the stuff of dreams , but video game testers are in high demand . Main duties include playing new games , reporting faults and ensuring quality .

  16. 它适用于测试需求变化快,事先无法详细设计测试过程,并且需要执行大量手工测试的软件项目。应用探索式测试方法可以显著提高网络游戏测试的效率。

    It is suiTable for application in these types of software project that test requirements change quickly , they cannot design the specific testing process in advance and they require a lot of manual testing .

  17. 这张地图将成为最新的游戏测试区,因此你还将在以后的几个月中不断的修改,但是它可以作为你下个场景设计的模版,并为其设计一系列不同的游戏环境。

    This map will become the latest test area for the game , so you will be tweaking it for months to come , but it can serve as a template for your next level which you will be designing around a different set of winning conditions .

  18. 最后,作者指出了手机游戏的测试要点,并且提出了如何利用测试小窍门CheatCode的方法来提高测试效率。

    Finally , the author points out the main points of the testing for mobile games , and proposes a trick for testing games . That is adding Cheat Code into the games ' code to improve the efficiency of testing .

  19. 同时在肯尼亚,一个视频游戏正在测试中,这是教育年轻人避免艾滋病的另一种方法。这个游戏名叫“PamojaMtaani”。PEPFAR和华纳兄弟制作参与了该项目,另一个公司VirtualHeroes制作了这个游戏。

    Also in Kenya , a video game is being tested as another way to teach young people to avoid H.I.V. The game is called " Pamoja Mtaani , " which means " Together in the Hood . " The project involves PEPFAR and Warner Brothers Entertainment . Another company , Virtual Heroes , made the game .

  20. 联合利华跟Amberjack、HireVue以及另一家大流量招聘公司Pymetrics合作。Pymetrics开发了一种基于游戏的测试,通过测试对候选人在承担风险和从错误中学习的能力、以及情商进行打分。

    Unilever worked with Amberjack , HireVue and Pymetrics , another high volume recruitment company , which developed a game-based test in which candidates are scored on their ability to take risks and learn from mistakes , as well as on emotional intelligence .

  21. 在2007年,有1700人参加了这款游戏的测试

    We piloted this game with 1700 players in 2007 ,

  22. 然后,在这个游戏中测试你的技能!

    Then , test your skills in this game !

  23. 基于模型的网络游戏软件测试套开发方法研究

    Research on Development Method of Online Game Software Test Suits Based on Model

  24. 研究人员们从600多名玩家游玩量身定制的游戏中测试暴力和非暴力变量所起到的作用。

    Researchers tested violent and nonviolent variations of a custom-designed game on 600 players .

  25. 这个游戏通过测试语法与词汇的知识来帮助你提高英语水平。

    The game helps you improve your English by testing your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary .

  26. 下一步将要对不涉及枪支和严重伤害的视频打斗游戏进行测试。

    The next step will be to test action video games that do not involve guns and mayhem .

  27. 游戏是测试此类人工智能程序的理想方式,让研究人员能够将程序在游戏中的表现与设定目标相比较。

    Games are an ideal way to test such AI programs , allowing researchers to measure performance against set goals .

  28. 这个游戏在测试中展示由彩色色块组成的多个板块,是一个测试色觉和视力的游戏。

    It has been designed to put your colour vision and eyesight to the test by showing boards of coloured squares .

  29. 研究者做了一个游戏,测试参与者是否愿意将金钱委托给一个陌生人。这些人的脸都会在电脑的大屏幕上出现。

    Researchers tested how willing players of a game were to entrust money to strangers whose faces they could see on a computer screen .

  30. 几个月前,我们已经将游戏的测试推广扩大到了整个公司,我们还做出了单独的测试程式。

    Several months ago , we expanded our internal testing of the game to the entire company , and we 've made significant progress since then .