
  1. J2ME手机游戏开发平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of J2ME Cellphone Game Development Platform

  2. 基于J2ME的手机游戏开发&雷电风暴

    Cell-phone Games Development on the Basis of J2ME & Thunder and Lightning Storm

  3. 基于J2ME的五子棋手机游戏开发

    Development of GoBang Mobile Games System Based on J2ME

  4. 基于J2ME平台的手机游戏开发中涉及若干关键问题。

    The developing of mobile games based on J2ME platform is involved in several key problems .

  5. 现今最主要且最具竞争力的手机游戏开发平台是BREW和J2ME。

    Now the most important and most competitive mobile games development platforms are BREW and J2ME .

  6. 开发人员可以利用BREW平台提供的计算机上的仿真环境进行手机游戏开发,然后通过本地下载或者无线下载装到手机上运行。

    Developer can use PC simulator environment of BREW platform to develop the mobile phone games , then download to mobile phone by local or wireless .

  7. 本论文以基于J2MEWTK的2D手机游戏开发为线索,进行了相关理论研究、实验和游戏的开发。

    The present paper take based on the J2ME_WTK2D handset game development as a clue , has conducted the correlation theories research , experimental and the game development .

  8. 手机游戏开发的性能分析

    On the Capability of Mobile Phone Game Exploitation

  9. 针对手机游戏开发中涉及的具体技术,本文进行了详细的阐述。

    This paper gives a detailed exposition on view of the specific technologies involved in the development of cell phone games .

  10. 手机游戏开发是手机应用开发中非常热门的一个领域,但在实际的手机游戏开发中程序员往往更多的面临着手机资源局限的困扰。

    Mobile game development is a booming field of mobile application development , but during the development , the programmer is often bothered by mobile resource limit .

  11. 并结合手机游戏开发的特点,提出了手机游戏优化的思路,特别是对图片资源的优化与压缩,提出一些新的解决方案。文中还对手机游戏的移植提出了一些建议。

    Combining with the characteristics of mobile game development , the article put forward the ideas of optimization and some advices on the transplant of the mobile phone games , especially some new solution methods on the picture of the resource optimization and compression .

  12. 本文最后介绍了在J2ME平台环境下,运用Eclipse进行手机游戏软件开发的关键技术,并在此基础上设计开发了一款基于手机蓝牙网络的学习型手机游戏。

    This paper finally introduces the key technology of using the Eclipse to develop mobile games in the environment of J2ME , and design a learning mobile game based on mobile Bluetooth network .

  13. 一种简易的手机游戏移植开发框架

    A Simple Development Framework for Mobile Games Porting

  14. 深圳市掌中酷柚科技有限公司专注于高品质智能手机游戏的开发和运营。

    Shenzhen koogame Technology Co. , Ltd focuses on the development and operation of the high-quality Smartphone games .

  15. 不管是最初的嵌入式游戏,还是后来的短消息服务类游戏,还是现在的浏览器游戏,在手机游戏的开发技术上都是一种进步。

    Regardless of the initial embedded games , or short message service games , or the current browser games , all are a step forward in technology .

  16. 本论文所展示的Android手机游戏的整个开发过程、开发框架以及所研究的技术在手机游戏产业发展具有一定的参考意义。

    The whole developing process and frame of Android phone game and discussed technology introduced by this paper has some reference value in the development of the industry of phone games .

  17. 基于J2ME的教育手机游戏的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Education Mobile Games Based on J2ME

  18. 最后,总结全文工作,并对未来手机游戏的设计和开发前景进行了展望。

    Finally are a summarization and a look-forward-to-the-future of the design and development of the mobile game .

  19. 最后对于手机游戏的研究和开发还进行了全面的总结以及对以后研究工作的展望。

    For the final mobile games of research and development also carried out overall summary of the research work and for future prospect .

  20. 随着通信技术的发展和手机的普及,手机游戏的开发技术越来越为人们所关注。

    Along with communication development and handset popularization , people more and more pay attention to the handset game development technology .

  21. 本文组织如下:第一章简单的介绍了本论文的引言,第二章阐述了J2ME技术的系统结构,第三章J2ME手机增值业务进行介绍,第四章介绍了手机游戏的开发要点和工具。

    The thesis is organized as below : chapter 1 is an introduction to the research background of the thesis ; Chapter 2 describes the system structure of J2ME platform ; Chapter 3 introduces mobile increment business .

  22. 本文首先分析了开发手机游戏的主流平台,并选用J2ME作为面向移动教育的手机网络游戏的开发平台。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes popular platforms to develop mobile game and explains the reason to choose J2ME as the platform to develop mobile game .