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  1. 在柔性机械手有限元/拉格朗日动力学模型基础上,本文给出了一个高精度单臂柔性机械手动力学模型。

    On the basis of the finite element / Lagrange dynamic model for flexible manipulators , a high accuracy dy-namic model for one-link flexible manipulators is given in this paper .

  2. 2自由度高速并联机械手的有限元分析及优化设计

    Dynamic Analysis of a 2-DOF High Speed Parallel Manipulator with FEM

  3. 某型号注塑机械手的有限元数值分析

    Finite element numerical simulation analysis of robots used for injection machines

  4. 一般的秘书:l万到1.6万美元。一百万美元经过他的手,有三万元落入他的手中。

    $ 10,000 to 16 , 000 for the average secretary A million dollars went through his hands , and around thirty thousand stuck to his fingers .

  5. 一百万美元经过他的手,有三万元落入他的手中。

    A million dollars went through his hands , and around thirty thousand stuck to his fingers .

  6. 据媒体报道,无人机飞手月入2万元左右很正常,有的飞手月收入高达10万元。

    According to media reports , it is normal that UAV manipulators ' salary is around 20000 yuan per month , with some earning as high as 100000 yuan per month .