
  1. 那家伙,神极了,两个轮子站立都不稳,可骑到上面,两脚一蹬,却能飞快地跑起来。

    That two wheels have extremely stood not steady , may ride above , a two feet pedal , actually can fast run .

  2. 倘若殿下什么时候从您的高位上俯瞰,看看脚下的地方,就会发现我长期以来一直都受着命运之神极为恶毒的捉弄。

    And if your Magnificence will at some time turn your eyes from the summit of your height to these low places , you will learn how undeservedly I endure a great and continuous malignity of fortune .

  3. 纳什博士英俊得像个男神,但极不寻常,一个以前的同学告诉纳萨。

    Dr. Nash was handsome as a god , a former classmate told Nasar , but deeply unusual .

  4. 只要以里面存着长久温柔,安静的心为妆饰;这在神面前是极宝贵的。

    Instead , it should be that of your inner self , the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit , which is of great worth in God 's sight .

  5. 纳什博士“英俊得像个男神,”但极不寻常,一个以前的同学告诉纳萨。

    Dr. Nash was " handsome as a god , " a former classmate told Nasar , but deeply unusual .

  6. 神从事一件极伟大的工作,要在他神圣的荣耀里把一个不是神的受造之物,作成完全象他一样。

    God undertook the stupendous work of making a creature , who is not God , to be a perfect likeness of Him in His Divine glory .