
  • Son of God;【电影】Child of God
  1. 因此神之子的受难就是马可的基督论的一部分。

    So the suffering Son of God is part of Mark 's Christology .

  2. 耶稣可以是神之子,但仍旧不是神。

    Jesus could be the Son of God and still not be God .

  3. 他仅仅是道德导师吗,他是神之子吗?

    Is he only a moral teacher ? Is he the Son of God ?

  4. 你们是神之子。

    You are a child of God .

  5. 耶稣,完全的神之子,谦卑自己为我们的罪而死。

    Jesus , the perfect Son of God , humbled himself to die for our sins .

  6. 马太同样认为耶稣是神之子,他是弥赛亚。

    Matthew also believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the Messiah .

  7. 只用翼梢碰他一下!把他救活了!真是鸥神之子!

    Touched him with a wingtip ! Brought him to life ! The Son of the Great Gull !

  8. 因为他自以为神之子,以色列的王,所以去钉十字架。

    Because he thinks himself the Son of God , the King of the Israelites , he is be crucified .

  9. 钉杀了“人之子”的人们身上,比钉杀了“神之子”的尤其血污,血腥。

    Those who reek most of blood and filth are not those who crucify the Son of God , but those who crucify the son of man .

  10. 你们都是神之子。这很难看做是任何一种血缘上的牵绊,更不是你逃避欠债的理由。

    Your common parent is a god . This hardly counts towards any sort of common genetic bond , and even less of a reason to shirk what you owe .

  11. 首先,根据马可福音,耶稣是神之子,这并不代表,耶稣就完全是神圣的,或者与神平等的。

    Well for one thing , according to Mark , Jesus is the Son of God , now that doesn 't necessarily mean yet that Jesus is completely divine or equal to God .

  12. 因此马可的基督论,就是耶稣是弥赛亚,是神之子,他是注定要承受苦难的,弥赛亚受苦难是上帝的意愿。

    Now the Christology that Mark 's working with is Jesus is the Messiah , the Son of God , it 's mandated that he suffers , so it 's God 's will that the Messiah suffer .

  13. 这是否暗示还有其他基督教徒,相信耶稣在复活前,是人类,他到此时才变为神,上帝之子?

    Is this a hint that there were other Christians who believed that Jesus was human until he was raised from the dead and that 's when he became divine and the Son of God ?

  14. 在基督教的这个时期,你不是神也可以被称为神之子,但马可显然认为耶稣是神之子。

    You can be called a Son of God without necessarily being God himself in this period of Christianity , but at least Mark certainly considers Jesus the Son of God .