
  • 网络a true story
  1. 电影讲述了一群人在安第斯山脉零度以下的环境中生存下来的真实故事。

    The film tells the true story of a group who survived in the Andes in sub-zero temperatures .

  2. 这部小说是根据真实故事而写的。

    This novel is based on a true story .

  3. 这本书是根据一位苏格兰船员的真实故事而写的。

    The book is based on the true story of a Scottish sailor / seaman .

  4. (这部关于一只忠犬的煽情片是根据真实故事改编而成的。)

    The tearjerker about a loyal dog is based on a true story .

  5. 这也许听上去比较牵强,但是《梦马》基于一个已被改编成热门纪录片的真实故事。

    It may sound far-fetched , but Dream Horse is based on a true story that has already been the subject of a hit documentary .

  6. 3D特效和真实故事之间的平衡让我印象非常深刻。

    I was so impressed with the balance of the 3D and the actual story .

  7. 《特里基·维克:一个卖埃菲尔铁塔的人的真实故事》(TrickyVic:TheImpossiblyTrueStoryoftheManWhoSoldtheEiffelTower)

    Tricky Vic : The Impossibly True Story of the Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower

  8. 但是当苹果公司的pc到苹果机转换,包括他们的照片,显然是真实故事的时候,微软的欺骗行径显然令人厌恶。

    But when apple 's PC-to-Mac converts were apparently all real , including their pictures , microsoft 's phoniness was all the more obnoxious .

  9. 该部电影描述了德文郡(Devonshire)女公爵乔治亚娜(Georgiana)的真实故事,而乔治亚娜是威尔士公妃黛安娜的上推四代的曾祖母。

    The film tells the true life story of Georgiana , Duchess of Devonshire , who was the great-great-great-great aunt of Diana , Princess of Wales .

  10. 据《好莱坞记者报》和《综艺》报道,她正在加入了导演鲁珀特桑德斯的新片《Rub&Tug》,这是一部基于跨性别按摩院老板Dante“Tex”Gill真实故事的电影。

    She 's joining director Rupert Sanders to star in " Rub & Tug , " a film based on the true story of transgender massage parlor owner Dante " Tex " Gill , The Hollywood Reporter and Variety ? have reported .

  11. 真实故事:去年,VideoJug圣诞聚会的邀请函就选用的Curlz字体,字体颜色全部选择的是红色和绿色。这让整个办公室的人都大倒胃口。

    TRUE STORY : the email invite to last year 's VideoJug Christmas Party was written entirely in red and green " Curlz " and the entire office was sick blood .

  12. 本文是从中选出的一个真实故事。

    This is a true story from one of her books .

  13. 康拉迪感人而又流畅地描述了他的真实故事。

    Mr conradi tells the true story , movingly and well .

  14. 以下是今年一次调查中的10个真实故事。

    Here are 10 real-life examples from this year 's survey :

  15. PSRR:关于开环闭环D类放大器的真实故事

    PSRR : The Real Story about Closed-and Open-Loop Class-D Amplifiers

  16. 一个百万富翁白手起家迅速发迹的真实故事。

    The true story of a millionaire 's meteoric rise from poverty .

  17. 那听听戈皮纳特。瑟韦卡尔的真实故事。

    Then listen to the true story of Gopinath Survekar .

  18. 加拿大的双低油菜籽产业&迈向成功的真实故事-健康的产品与健康的产业

    Canada 's canola industry A real success story-a healthy product and industry

  19. 前段时间,我听说过这样一个真实故事。

    A while ago , I heard a true story .

  20. 我很爱读故事书,但却觉得真实故事很无聊。

    I love reading storybooks but I find non-fiction boring .

  21. 这就是你出生的真实故事

    And that 's the real story of how you were born .

  22. 我对一些伟大的科学家的真实故事很感兴趣。

    I am interested in true stories about great scientists .

  23. 我要把它介绍给说有喜欢真实故事的人。

    I recommend it to anyone who enjoys interesting and true stories .

  24. 这部电影来源于那时的一个真实故事。

    The film is based on a true story of that time .

  25. 我听说有部电影是由两名越狱囚犯的真实故事改编的。

    I hear it 's a real story of two prison breakers .

  26. 这是两个真实故事的拆卸。

    These are two true stories of the demolition .

  27. 电影是根据伦敦一名匪徒的真实故事拍摄的。

    The movie is based on the true story of a London gangster .

  28. 这部电影是基于一个癌症患者的真实故事拍摄的。

    The film is based on the true-life story of a cancer sufferer .

  29. 这个故事以真实故事为基础。

    The story was based on a true story .

  30. 像谎言一样的真实故事。

    A true story that seems like a lie .