
  • 网络IENIN;True Confessions
  1. 真情告白从前,有个小孩,他不知道该写些什么

    One day , a child does not know what to say

  2. 真情告白我承认,人类学会决策失误。

    I accept that humans learn by making mistakes .

  3. 真情告白-送一个朋友。

    I want to know-to one of my friends !

  4. 我弟弟的真情告白让你沦陷了吗

    Did my little brother 's confession overwhelm you ?

  5. 真情告白爱一个人:要了解也要开解;

    Love : to understand to a solution ;

  6. 一首情诗代我真情告白。

    A poem to confess for you .

  7. 真情告白一位受过很好教育的专业人士寻找受过良好教育具有共同生活理念的女士。

    A highly educated professional looking for a well-educated woman who shares common attitude towards life .

  8. 真情告白我一直在等待那份属于我的爱情,希望在这里能找到他。

    I have been waiting for that my love , I hope he can be found here .

  9. 真情告白朋友是山,朋友是海,有了真正的朋友,才可以排山倒海;

    Friends are mountains , friends , is the sea , has real friends , before they can avalanche ;

  10. 除了单独约会,昨日上午在师大天马公寓内一片草地上,七班全班同学还一起玩了个“真情告白”的游戏。

    In addition to individual date , boys and girls were gethering on the lawn in front their dorm .

  11. 真情告白温柔善良文雅的女性,渴望和爱人共同建立一个温暖幸福的家庭。

    I 'm tender , gentle and educated , eager to build a warm and happy family with my beloved one .

  12. 可能世界真的有感于这番“真情告白”,库珀接下来出演了一系列动作片如《天龙特攻队》和《黑暗领域》。

    Then , maybe for his manifestation , he starred in a series of action films like The A-Team and The Dark Fields later on .

  13. 真情告白不是因为我没有能力,也不是因为我没有努力,只是因为我人太过善良,如今仍然是个单身。

    Not because I have not the ability , nor is it because I did not effort , simply because I was too kind-hearted people , and now is still a single .