
  1. “真可爱!”她尖声说。

    ' How adorable ! ' she trills .

  2. 真可爱啊,是不是?

    It 's a love , isn 't it ?

  3. 这小东西真可爱。

    What a sweet little thing !

  4. 当他把钱交给她时,她高兴地流泪道:“你真可爱,是个好孩子,亨利。”

    When he gave her the money , she cried with joy and said , " You are adear , good boy , Henry . "

  5. 我们还可以说Yourbabyisadorable.你的宝宝真可爱。

    Your baby 's such a doll .

  6. Iknewyourcostumewouldbeasuccess.啊呦,真可爱啊!我就知道你的兔子服会大受欢迎的。

    Jim : Aw , that 's sweet ! I knew your costume would be a success .

  7. 你们真可爱谢谢你们Tony最近过得怎么样

    You 're lovely people , thank you . Tony , how are you .

  8. 你可以用lovely/可爱的来描述很多事物,例如:Thisrestaurantislovely/这家餐馆真可爱;BehaiParkinspringislovely/春天的北海公园很可爱。

    You can describe many things as lovely / lovely , e.g. : This restaurant is lovely / This restaurant is lovely ; Behai Park in spring is lovely / Behai Park in spring is lovely .

  9. 嗨,Sonny,走开,不然我就是你这个世界上最后见到的人。她真可爱,让我今天都好开心!

    Hey Sonny , move along or I am going to be the last thing you see ! She is such a cutie ! She made my Day !

  10. 琼:我喜欢小狗!它们真可爱!

    Joan : I love puppies ! They 're so cute !

  11. 看看这门上有只兔子,真可爱。

    Oh , look at this nice rabbit on your door .

  12. 我的妈妈真可爱,每天早上起来读英文。

    My mom is so cute , Read English every morning .

  13. 你在约我真可爱

    Oh , you 're asking me out . So sweet .

  14. 他们真可爱,都叫什么名字?

    Oh , they 're precious . What are their names ?

  15. 男人显出虚荣心时可真可爱。

    Men are so cute when they show their vanity .

  16. 你挥舞锄子的时候看起来还真可爱。

    You just looked so damn cute swinging that pickax .

  17. 欧,这年纪的孩子真可爱!

    Oh , they 're so adorable at that age .

  18. 你会记起一些东西,你看上去真可爱。

    You 'll think of something . you 're gonna look lovely .

  19. 你生日聚会的快拍照真可爱!

    These candids of your birthday parties are so cute !

  20. 那个哮喘病人还真可爱。

    Phoebe : You know , the asthma guy was really cute .

  21. “大嫂,您的两个小宝宝真可爱。”

    " You have two pretty children , madame . "

  22. 我就会听到人们说“宝贝真可爱”

    I hear people say " baby 's so sweet "

  23. 你真可爱,我爱你。

    You 're so sweet . Come here . I love you .

  24. 莉莉在动物园-真可爱

    It 's Lily at the zoo . - Oh , cute .

  25. 这只狗真可爱!他叫什么名字?

    What a lovely dog ! What 's his name ?

  26. 瞧这些熊猫。它们真可爱!

    Look at the pandas . They 're so cute !

  27. 他真可爱看那双袜子!

    Girl , he 's cute , but look at those socks !

  28. 就那样待着,真可爱,象一个树精

    Stay exactly like that . Lovely . Like a wood spirit .

  29. 你的那个小男孩真可爱!

    That little boy of yours is just adorable !

  30. 你穿我的衣服看起来真可爱。

    That you look really cute in our clothes .