
  • 网络Clash of the Titans;Clash of Titans
  1. 不计其数的马耳他旅游手册中都介绍了“蓝窗”,HBO电视剧《权力的游戏》第一集、电影《诸神之战》曾在此取景。

    The structure was featured in countless Malta tourism brochures and the first episode of the HBO series " Game of Thrones , " as well as the movie , " Clash of The Titans . "

  2. 比如,有些影院可能在下午场上映面向小朋友的《驯龙记》,而将拥有更多暴力镜头的PG-13级《诸神之战》留给晚场上映。

    For example , some theaters could show'Dragon , 'geared toward younger children , during matinees and save'Clash , 'which is rated PG-13 and packs more violence , for evening showings .

  3. 为了给《诸神之战》让路,影院经理们正在采取一些非常手段。

    To make way for'Clash , 'theater owners are resorting to some desperate measures .

  4. 据媒体报道,在今年的《诸神之战》取得了不错的票房成绩之后,华纳影业觉得乘胜最忌,开拍电影续集《诸神之怒》。而好莱坞男星詹姆斯-弗兰科和哈维尔-巴登将有望联手出演影片。

    Production Weekly tweeted over the weekend that actors James Franco and Javier Bardem are rumored to star in Wrath of the Titans , Warner Bros. upcoming sequel to Clash of the Titans .