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zhū gé
  • Zhuge;a surname
诸葛 [zhū gě]
  • [surname] --复姓

诸葛[zhū gé]
  1. 二诸葛忌讳“不宜栽种”,三仙姑忌讳“米烂了”

    Each of these oracles hated a particular phrase . Liu the Sage abhorred " Not right for sowing " .

  2. SupportPac说明的最后一句话几乎是以事后诸葛的方式提到,MO72可用于生成客户端通道定义表(CCDT)。

    The last sentence of the SupportPac description mentions , almost as an afterthought , that MO72 can be used to generate a Client Channel Definition Table ( CCDT ) .

  3. Ad-6子叶腋芽比诸葛菜子叶腋芽对6-BA更敏感,0.5mg/l6-BA可促使Ad-6两个腋芽萌发,而对诸葛菜子叶腋芽没有诱导作用。

    Cotyledon axillary buds of Ad-6 is more sensitive to 6-BA than that of ZGC . 0.5 mg / 16-BA can induce bourgeon of Ad-6 cotyledon axillary buds , with no effect on ZGC .

  4. 以前人们通常认为软件测试只是事后诸葛。

    It used to be that software testing was an afterthought .

  5. 诸葛及元则是学武的一时瑜亮。

    CHU KOT and YUEN were born to learn Martial Arts .

  6. 小诸葛:那个是上海的东方明珠。

    Little Wisdom : That is the Oriental Pearl Tower of Shanghai .

  7. 《诸葛镇总体规划》的分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation of the Comprehensive Planning of Zhuge Town

  8. 试论诸葛村民居的空间形态

    On Space From of the House in Zhuge Village

  9. 如果你想做事后诸葛

    If you say ," I told you so ,"

  10. 那诸葛先生就是水。

    Zhuge Liang would be the water .

  11. 传统聚落中的商业文化精神&解读诸葛村

    Business Cultural Spirit in Traditional Settlement

  12. 我!英文:讲,离不开诸葛;说赵云,离不开长枪。

    Speaks > , cannot leave Zhuge ; Said the Zhao cloud , cannot leave the long-barrelled gun .

  13. 墓建成于西晋初年,墓主为曾经参加伐蜀的诸葛绪。

    The tomb was completed in the first years of Western Jin and the buried was Zhuge Xu , who joined in the war against Shu .

  14. 从分析诸葛镇总体规划的整体构思入手,提出了保护文化遗产与发展城镇建设并重的规划思想。

    Through analyzing general conception of comprehensive planning of the Zhuge Town , a planning idea of conserving cultural heritage and simultaneously developing town construction is proposed .

  15. 元以成为当世第一高手为人生目标,但是叫他耿耿于怀的是,他直至下山前都始终打不过诸葛。

    YUEN 's lifetime goal is to become the best fighter in the Martial Arts World . However , he could never beat CHU KOT before he left the clique , which bothered him enormously .

  16. 诸葛波波:每一个球员都有权利和能力去表达他们想说的,做他们想做的,我们会全力支持他们。

    Gregg Popovich : Each one of them has the right and ability to say what they 'd like to say and act the way they 'd like to act . they have our full support .

  17. 大家会有如此的冲动,我当然是非常理解的。因为在《三国演义》中,诸葛先生是一位饱学鸿儒。

    For Mr Zhuge was a scholar with profound knowledge in Romance of Three Kingdom , so I surely very understand why people have such impulsion . So , a great scholar , like him , can abuse ?