
  • 网络realism;verismo;Verismus;das Prinzip der formellen Wahrheit
  1. 也是意大利真实主义歌剧诞生的标志。

    It is also the birth of the Italian verismo opera , as a sign .

  2. 论述了真实主义歌剧产生的时代背景、历史原因,特别是文学思潮的影响等。

    Discuss the background of the age and its historic cause , especially literary trend which make the verismo opera come into being .

  3. 意大利歌剧作曲家贾科莫·普契尼,(GiacomoPuccini,1858-1924),是十九世纪末至欧战前真实主义歌剧流派的代表人物。

    Giacomo Puccini ( 1858-1924 ), who was opera composer in Italia , was the representative figure of socialist opera schools from the nineteenth century to .

  4. 实体真实主义与程序正义保障

    Thinking High of Finding Truth and the Realism of the Procedural Justice

  5. 真实主义歌剧代表作《乡村骑士》的音乐与戏剧魅力

    Music and Play Charm of the Realistic Opera Masterpiece " Village Knight "

  6. 电影流程仿如梦境,真实主义与幻想风格互相结合,藉此反映主角莲见雄一眼中的世界。

    The film moves like a dream , a mixture of realism and stylised fantasy reflecting Hasumi 's perspective .

  7. 三幕歌剧《托斯卡》是一部享誉世界的作品,它是普契尼真实主义歌剧的代表作。

    The three-act opera " Tosca " is a world-renowned works , it is the true doctrine ofPuccini ' sopera masterpiece .

  8. 普契尼对意大利歌剧的发展做出了巨大的贡献,是真实主义歌剧乐派的代表人物之一。

    Puccini made a great contribution to the development of Italy opera , is a representative of " realism " opera .

  9. 在十九世纪中后期的德国,检察官客观公正义务最早得到确立,其基本原理是把实体真实主义和职权主义统一结合了起来。

    In the nineteenth centaury German prosecutors objective obligation , the earliest established the basic principle is true doctrine and the entity powers socialist unity is a combination .

  10. 检察官客观义务最早确立于19世纪中后期的德国,是以实体真实主义和职权主义为基本原理的德国法学的产物。

    Objective duty of public procurator is established in Germany in 19th century , and it is the product of Germany law which considers reality and authority as its basic principle .

  11. 手段论则视刑事诉讼为实现国家刑法或刑罚权的工具,或为国家消解刑事冲突的一种手段,实体真实主义、正当程序主义和消解冲突论是其理论代表。

    The theory of means which is represented as substantialism , theory of due process and theory of dispelling conflicts regards the criminal procedure as a means to realize the criminal law .

  12. 举证时限制度以程序安定理论、诚实信用原则、公正与效益的诉讼价值追求、形式真实主义等为理论基础。

    The theoretical foundation limited degree while putting to the proof is : The stable theory of the procedure , sincere principle , the just result pursues and the true doctrine of form .

  13. 从传统上讲,我国是一个典型的德治国家,长期以来实体真实主义一直在司法中居于统治地位。

    Substantial ones relates to the rationality of government policy and decrees . Traditionally , our country is typically ruled by virtue . Entity realism occupied a dominant position in justice over the years .

  14. 西方诉讼理论曾提出犯罪控制与正当程序、实体真实主义和正当程序主义等刑事诉讼目的观。

    The western criminal procedure theory had advanced some doctrines about the objective of criminal procedure . Such as the crime control model , the due process model , the substantial reality model and so on .

  15. 他的歌剧属于真实主义,但在思想性和艺术性上又超越了真实主义的范畴而有更贴切生活本质的内容深度和艺术表现力。

    His operas belonged to realism , however , they had exceeded realism by their ideological content and artistic quality , thus they were closely related to life and had a further depth of artistic expression .

  16. 第一章真实主义与普契尼的歌剧创作,对普契尼的真实主义歌剧创作思想作一阐述,并且着重介绍了其作品中的《艺术家的生涯》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》三大歌剧。

    The contents are as follows : In Chapter one , Verism and Puccini 's Major Operas , the author elaborates Puccini 's verism in opera creation , and introduces his three major operas : La boheme , Tosca , and Madam Butterfly .

  17. 不管怎样,笔者一直在努力研究意大利19世纪末20世纪初的真实主义歌剧的本质,追寻一百年来这个形象身上所折射出的声乐发展的道路。

    Nevertheless , the writer of this thesis is always making every effort to search for the nature of the realistic Italian opera of the late 19th century and the early 20th century , and the development of vocal music reflected by this century-personage .

  18. 从积极到消极的实质真实发现主义

    From Positive to Negative Doctrine of Real Truth Discovering

  19. 席勒式方法与莎士比亚化方法之间的对立实质上就是本质真实与现实主义的真实性之间的对立。

    Essentially the antithesis between the method of Shakespearean standard and that of Schiller 's style is the one between " the authenticity of realism " and " the truth of matter 's inherent law " .

  20. 罗伯&格里耶的创作既有后现代主义的特征,又体现了追求“真实”的现实主义精神。

    Robbe Grillet 's writing combined the characteristics of post Modernism and realistic spirit of seeking " reality " and developed the realistic concept of Reality .

  21. 真实性,现实主义:在艺术或文学中将事物,行为或社会状况按其起初情况进行的表现,而不用模糊的形式来表现或理想化。

    The representation in art or literature of objects , actions , or social conditions as they actually are , without idealization or presentation in abstract form .

  22. 穿透社会真实的心理现实主义之剑&浅谈茨威格中短篇小说的心理现实主义典型塑造

    A Sword of Psychological Realism Penetrating through Social Rea lity & a discussion on the typical shaping of psychological realism in Stefan Zweig 's short stories and nouvelles

  23. 运用叙事学的有关理论分析海明威的作品《永别了,武器》,揭示了一个不为叙述者所知的凯瑟琳:一个通过扮演真诚爱人的角色而逃离真实自我的逃避主义者。

    This article conducts an analysis of Hemingway 's A Farewell to Arms through the application of some relative theory of narratology , thus discovering a new Catherine , an escapist who attempts to escape herself by playing the role of a sincere lover .

  24. 马克思共同体主义立足于马克思主义的人观,综合分析可以发现,马克思主义者提出了三种共同体:自然共同体、虚幻共同体、真实共同体,其中,真实共同体是马克思主义的理想社会样态。

    Marx communitarian based on the Marxist concept of " person ", a comprehensive analysis can be found , three Marxist Communities : natural Community , illusory community , real Community , which , true Community of the social patterns of the ideal of Marxism .