
  1. 蒋高明说还需要更多的资金用于把分散的人口集中到小城镇上来。

    More funds are needed to relocate scattered settlers into cities , says Jiang .

  2. 唐爱民、蒋高明和窦观一指出,绿色技术的利用可助中国农村实现可持续发展。

    Green technologies can bring progress and sustainable development to the country 's rural areas .

  3. 蒋高明说,然而这些地区几乎没有得到关注,因为负责批准沙尘暴控制资金的官员看不到这些地区。

    Yet they receive little attention because they are less visible to officials approving funding for sandstorm-control efforts , claims Jiang .

  4. 蒋高明发表在《中外对话》网站上的这篇文章说,必须扭转中国西部草原的环境退化,从而降低沙尘暴的风险。

    Environmental degradation of China 's western grasslands must be reversed to reduce the risk of sandstorms , says Jiang Gaoming in this article from China Dialogue .

  5. 植物学家蒋高明说,中国减少碳排放不一定代价高昂&在土壤中存储碳的潜力巨大。

    Reducing carbon emissions in China doesn 't have to be expensive & there is huge potential for storing carbon in the soil , says botanist Jiang Gaoming .

  6. 中科院植物学家蒋高明说服了巴音乌苏的牧民,减少绵羊和山羊的数量,并停止开放式放牧。

    But plant ecologist Jiang Gaoming from the Chinese Academy of Sciences persuaded the villagers of Bayinhushu to reduce sheep and goat numbers , and to stop open grazing .

  7. 蒋高明说,“能源草”是为电力生产而特别种植的,并作为一种可选的能源资源引起了极大的兴趣,然而其中的一些言论却大为夸张。

    ' Energy grasses ' , grown specifically to generate power , are attracting excitement as an alternative energy source , but some of the claims are greatly exaggerated , says Jiang Gaoming .

  8. 蒋高明警告说,生产足以满足需要的能源草要投入大量的化肥和水资源才行,在某些地区,这甚至会抵消取代化石燃料的最初目的。

    Gaoming warns that producing enough energy grass to meet demand would involve large inputs of fertiliser and water that could , in some areas , even offset the original goal of replacing fossil fuels .