
  1. 这其中包括向他提供一份律师名单,蒋海松可自行选择辩护律师。

    These include providing a list of lawyers , which Jiang is selecting for his case .

  2. 因为蒋海松要求对其与领事馆的谈话内容保密,王邦福领事没有透露更多细节。

    Wang would not reveal more details because Jiang had requested for the content of their conversation to be kept private .

  3. 现年28岁的蒋海松于上周五傍晚被美国港务局警方逮捕,数小时询问后被释放。

    Jiang Haisong , 28 , was arrested last Friday evening by US port authorities and released after hours of questioning .

  4. 王邦福领事本周二向《中国日报》表示,在确认蒋海松系属中国国籍后,领事馆将为他提供领事保护和援助。

    Wang told China Daily on Tuesday that the consulate is providing consular protection and assistance to Jiang after identifying him as a Chinese national .

  5. 纽约及新泽西州港务局指控蒋海松非法闯入,如果罪名成立,他将面临30天的监禁及500美元罚款。

    Under the charge of defiant trespassing brought by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey , Jiang faces a 30-day imprisonment and a fine of $ 500 .

  6. 有人谴责蒋海松犯下了一个十分愚蠢的错误,也有人将其视为揭露美国机场安保漏洞的大英雄。

    A number of these have accused Jiang of a " stupid " blunder . Others have hailed him as a kind of hero for exposing a glaring airport security loophole .

  7. 王邦福领事表示在最终调查结果公布前不便更多评论此事,但领事馆将尽力保证蒋海松的合法权利得到妥善保护,确保庭审的公正性。

    Wang did not comment further on the case until final investigation results were out , implying that the consulate will work to ensure Jiang gets a fair trial and his legal rights are fully protected .