
  • 网络Jambo
  1. 据悉,蒋波做主播已经有三个月了。

    Jiang has been a live streaming host for three months .

  2. 这名名为蒋波的男子最终被蛰了37处,并当场晕倒。

    The man , Jiang Bo , ended up receiving 37 hornet stings and fainted at the site .

  3. 直播开始才不久,蒋波的朋友就听到了他的大喊:“快放我下去,遭不住了。”而当他被放了下来的时候,他早已失去了意识。

    Shortly after the live stream started , Jiang 's friends heard him shouting , " I can 't bear it anymore ! Let me down . " By the time he was lowered to the ground , Jiang was already unconscious .