
  • 网络Empirical Orthogonal Function;EOF
  1. 经验正交函数(EOF)分析的主要空间型反映了赤道中太平洋、热带西太平洋、阿拉伯海和副热带西太平洋地区的积云对流活动存在一定的关系。

    The EOF analysis indicates the relationship of the cumulus convection between equatorial middle Pacific , tropical western Pacific , the Arabian Sea and subtropical western Pacific .

  2. 作者对热带印度洋上层洋流作了空间的三维经验正交函数(EOF)分析,揭示其与印度洋偶极子和ENSO循环的关系。

    Three dimensional EOF ( Empirical Orthogonal Functions ) analysis is applied to the upper current in the tropical Indian Ocean in order to investigate the relationship with the IOD ( Indian Ocean dipole ) and ENSO circle .

  3. 作者利用经验正交函数(EOF)方法分析了南汇南滩近期冲淤特征,表现为随着时间推移在空间上纵向与横向的两种波动。

    Using empirical orthogonal function ( EOF ) method , this paper discusses the characteristics of topography change on Nanhui Nan Shoal .

  4. 与用经验正交函数(EOF)对模式气候作分析不同,球谐波谱分析能清晰显示大气波动的物理图像,尤其是全球大气低频波。

    In comparison with model climate analysis by use of the EOF , the spherical harmonics spectral analysis can better reveal the physical pattern of atmospheric waves .

  5. 采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解、奇异值分解(SVD)及相关、合成分析等方法,分析了太平洋海温异常分布与东亚大气环流及长江中下游降水的关系。

    By using the methods of EOF , SVD , correlation and composite analysis , the relationship between Pacific SSTA pattern and rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is investigated .

  6. 扩展经验正交函数(EEOF)及其在月、季降水预测中的应用

    Extended Empirical Orthogonal Function ( EEOF ) and Applications to Monthly ( Seasonal ) Rainfall Prediction

  7. 利用中国东部25°N以北28个站1880-1999年夏季季降水序列,用旋转复经验正交函数(RCEOF)方法,研究了中国东部地区百年干湿的时空演变规律。

    By applying rotated complex empirical orthogonal function ( RCEOF ) analysis on 1880-1999 summer rainfall at 28 selected stations over the east part of China , the spatio-temporal variations of China summer rainfall are investigated .

  8. 采用1961-1990年逐年年平均气温资料,运用旋转经验正交函数(REOF),将中国大陆划分为8个气温变化区。

    Based on the data of annual mean temperature from 1961-1990 , the Chinese main land was partitioned to 8 regions by Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Functions ( REOF ) .

  9. 本文选用青海南部高原13个气象站的1971-2000年的春季(3-5月)和冬季(10-2月)降水资料,进行经验正交函数(EOF)展开分析。

    The spring 's precipitation ( March ~ May ) and the winter 's precipitation ( October ~ February ) time series of 13 weather stations of the Southern Qinghai Plateau in Recent 30 Years ( form 1971 to 2000 ) are respectively analyzed by the EOF method .

  10. 在经验正交函数展开(EOF)方法和分析的基础上,用多元回归方法对西北地区东部9~10月的降水趋势进行了拟合和预报,结果表明,这种方法具有一定的预报能力。

    Based on the empirical orthogonal funtion ( EOF ) analysis , the precipitation tendency from September to October in East part of Northwest China has been fitted and forecasted by multiple regression . The results show that the multiple regression EOF method has a specified predictive capability .

  11. 采用复经验正交函数(CEOF)方法分析了准40天振荡沿赤道和某些大圆路径传播的规律。

    The regular patterns of the propagation of quasi-40-day oscillations along the equator and some great circle routes are analysed and revealed by a complex empirical orthogonal function ( CEOF ) method .

  12. 复经验正交函数(CEOF)是一种新的物理场的分解方法,它除了可以揭示物理场的时、空分布和变化规律外,还可以反映波动或平流效应。

    The complex empirical orthogonal function ( CEOF ) is one of the new decomposition methods for physical fields . It reveals not only the spatial and temporal distributions and characteristics but also the fluctuations or advection effects of physical fields .

  13. 利用NCEP/NCAR逐月SLP再分析资料,通过复经验正交函数展开(CEOF),借助其第1模态恢复场研究了1952&1998年期间南极绕极波动的年代际变化和传播特征。

    Based on the NCEP / NCAR monthly SLP reanalysis data , the interdecadal changes and propagating features of the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave ( ACW ) during 1952-1998 are studied in this paper by use of the first recovered field of the complex empirical orthogonal function ( CEOF ) expansion .

  14. 经验正交函数展开精度的稳定性研究

    A study on the stability of the EOF expanded precision

  15. 经验正交函数展开气象场收敛性的研究

    Studies of convergence for the expansion of meteorological fields with empirical orthogonal functions

  16. 东中国海声速剖面的经验正交函数表示与反演

    Sound speed profile representation and inversion via EOFs in the East China Sea

  17. 复经验正交函数在水温预报中的应用

    An Application of Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function in the Prediction of Sea Temperature

  18. 海洋声速场的经验正交函数描述及声速剖面预报

    Study on Empirical Orthogonal Functions Expression and Prediction of the Sound Speed Field

  19. 经验正交函数分解在地壳垂直形变场分析中的应用

    Application of empirical orthogonal function resolution to analysis of crustal vertical deformation field

  20. 通过经验正交函数分解和谱分析,探讨了不同高程处沿岸海滩体积变化的主要空间过程及其在时间上的变化特征。

    The main variation processes of the beach volume were analyzed with EOF .

  21. 经验正交函数与遗传算法结合的副热带高压位势场非线性模型反演

    Non-Linear Dynamic Model Retrieval of Subtropical High Based on Empirical Orthogonal Function and Genetic Algorithm

  22. 改进型经验正交函数海洋声速剖面预报方法

    An improved empirical orthogonal functions ( EOF ) on the forecast of ocean sound speed profile

  23. 应用经验正交函数作梅雨天气形势预告试验

    A Forecasting Experiment for the synoptic situation of " mei-yu " using the empirical orthogonal functions

  24. 复经验正交函数分析结果的直观显示

    Visual display of complex EOF analyses

  25. 经验正交函数分解方法可以很好地揭示黄河三角洲泥沙冲淤的时空变化特征。

    The erosion / deposition evolution pattern of the Huanghe delta can be well revealed with the EOF analysis method .

  26. 产量场的经验正交函数分析&粮食产量的时空特征与环境、经济因素的关系

    The experimental orthogonal functon analysis of grain yield fields & the relation between the time-space characters of grain yields and environmental-economic factors

  27. 应用经验正交函数分析预报表层海水温度的方法&东海及外缘海域月平均表层水温预报

    A method appling empirical orthogonal function analysis to predict the sea surface temperature the monthly mean sea surface temperature prediction for the East China Sea and the adjacent waters

  28. 反演过程中利用经验正交函数描述海水中的声速剖面,并根据已有的声速剖面的观测资料计算得到了相应的各阶经验正交函数。

    In the process of calculation , the sound speed profile is described by empirical orthogonal functions . The empirical orthogonal functions are calculated by using previously measured sound speed data .

  29. 应用经验正交函数分析方法对北京市郊区各乡的小麦和玉米产量分解为空间分量和时间系数两部分。

    The yields of wheat and corn of various townships in Beijing suburban districts are divided by experimental orthogonal function analysis into two parts , the space component and the time coefficient .

  30. 利用经验正交函数的方法,将平均海面分解为正交时、空函数积的代数和。

    The empirical orthogonal function method is used to decompose the annual mean relative sea level into the algebraic sum of the product of the spatial orthogonal functions and the temporal eigenfunctions .