
  1. 泊头经济外向度高,活力不断增强。

    Botou high degree of economic export-oriented , energy is continually expanding .

  2. 高经济外向度地区外贸环境效应实证研究&以浙江省为例

    Environmental Effect of Foreign Trade in the Active Export-oriented Region : Case Study of Zhejiang Province

  3. 四是武汉市对外、对内开放力度不够,经济外向度低;

    Fourthly , opening to outside and inside is not enough , the degrees of the economy to outside is low ;

  4. 作为经济外向度较高且占有全国三分之一出口贸易总量的广东,全省的出口贸易依存度从1990年的68%上升到2002年的83%。

    The export volume of Guangdong province has occupied one third in China and the foreign trade dependence has increased from 68 % to 83 % .

  5. 经济外向度低,而且与全国的比较差距很大等结论。通过分析,发现甘肃省经济发展中存在的主要问题是:一、第一产业发展缓慢,三农问题严重;

    The problem Gansu economy facing in the future are listed as below : firstly , primary industry develop slowly , three dimensional rural problem is serious ;

  6. 三是城乡居民特别是农民收入低、城镇化水平低、经济外向度低,制约着经济社会协调发展;

    Thirdly , our people 's income , especially farmer 's income , and urbanization level are low , foreign trade is weak ; they hinder the coordinated economic and social development .

  7. 接着,作者对我国经济外向度和就业的现状进行分析,并阐述了经济外向度对就业的影响机制。

    In the following part , the author analysis the situation of extroverted degree of economy and employment in our country , and described the impact mechanism of extroverted degree of economy on employment .

  8. 客观原因主要是自然资源和区位条件的差异,而主观原因则表现为政策支持力度、市场发育水平、人力资本水平、科技创新能力以及经济外向度方面的差异。

    The objective reason is that the difference of the Natural Resource and Area Condition while subjective reason is that the difference of Policy Support Force , Market Situation , Human Capital , Science and Technology Ability and Export-oriented Economy .

  9. 结合重庆目前经济外向度低,经济发展后劲不足的,而重庆机械加工能力强的优势未得到充分利用这一客观现实,找到了利用重庆摩托车产业基础和机械加工优势发展通用发动机产业的思路。

    Considering the extraversion of Chongqing economy is low and lack of aftereffect , we haven 't take best advantage of chongqing 's superiority in machinery , we discover a thoughtfulness to develop " General-purpose Engine " industry by using the capability of motorcycle and machinery .

  10. 经济综合外向度是度量一个国家(或地区)外向型经济的综合指标,它以量化指标的形式来衡量和评价一个国家(或地区)的对外经济贸易运行及发展状况。

    Economic comprehensive extroverted degree is a comprehensive index mainly for measuring the export-oriented economy of a country ( region ), it is in the form of quantitative indicators to measure and evaluate foreign economic and trade development and operation of a country ( region ) .

  11. 论述了新形势下,经济发展的外向度高低决定并体现着一个地方的经济发展水平。

    Under the new situation , the opening degree of economy development would lead and embody one region 's economy development level .

  12. 介绍了老工业基地的形成和布局,分析了发展现状:非公有制经济发展不足、经济外向度低、工业经济结构层次低、固定资产投资不足。

    Firstly we simply introduce the forming and distribution of the old industry-zones , and analyze the present conditions in succession : the deficiency of non-state-owned economy , the lowness of foreign capital , the low level of industrial economic structure , the low level of fixed assets investment .

  13. 湖北技术对外依存度近年大幅提高,其高低总体上与湖北经济发展水平、创新能力、经济外向度有关。

    Hubei external dependency on technology enhanced largely in recent years , its height is related with the economic development level , innovation ability , economical extroversion .

  14. 对外开放政策促进了区域外向型经济的发展,使中国经济的外向度得到了很大提高,在较短的时间内成为世界贸易大国;

    Through opening up to the outside world , export oriented economy has been playing increasingly important roles in the economic development in China , and foreign trade has become one of the major driving forces to the country 's economic growth ;

  15. 绿色贸易的广泛兴起,对云南绿色经济发展将产生重大的影响,这种影响随着云南经济外向度的扩大还将进一步增大;

    The rising of the green trade will exert a great influence on the development of green economy in Yunnan , and this influence will become greater with the increase of Yunnan 's foreign trade .

  16. 十五期间马鞍山市经济增长方式的转变虽取得了显著成就,但仍然存在产业结构单一、经济外向度低、自主创新能力弱等缺陷。

    Though during the 10th 5-year plan period , the transformation of economic growth mode obtained distinct achievement , there still exist some problems , such as single industry structure , low export-oriented economy and weak creative ability etc.

  17. FDI对我国的经济发展有着重要的作用,运用逐步分析方法研究影响FDI的主要因素,结果表明市场规模、经济外向度、人力资源、聚集效应和科研水平是影响FDI的主要因素。

    FDI is important to develop economy , Analyzes the main factors that have an effect on FDI by progressive analysis . The result show market scale , human resources , economic opening , assembling effect , the level of research and development have the main effect on FDI .