
  • 网络bloom
  1. 结构钢初轧坯水丝皱折金相形态变异的研究

    Study on the metallographic morphology change of watering wrinkles at rolled bloom surface

  2. 根据氢和碳的元素扩散规律,可知板坯堆冷工艺可以促使氢的扩散,但对中心碳偏析影响不大。攀钢重轨钢初轧坯堆冷的除氢效果

    Using these results , it can be concluded that slab stack cooling can promote the diffusion of hydrogen , but weakly affect central carbon segregation . HYDROGEN ESCAPE FORM HEAVY RAIL STEEL BLOOM BY STACK COOLING AT PANZHIHUA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY

  3. 优化锭型设计提高初轧成坯率

    Optimization of ingot design and improvement of yield from ingot to bloom

  4. 周期轧管机组采用初轧方坯轧管工艺的研究

    Study on Manufacturing Process of Pilgering Pipe with Square Bloom

  5. 冷轧取向硅钢CGG-1初轧开坯工艺探讨

    Discussion on Blooming Process for Cold Rolling Oriented Silicon Steel CGG - 1

  6. 锭型及轧制规程对提高沸腾钢锭初轧成坯率作用的研究

    Effect of ingot type and rolling schedules on bloom yield from rimmed steel ingot

  7. 锡含量高的SUS304HC含铜奥氏体不锈钢初轧开坯时容易出现开裂现象。

    SUS 304 HC austenite stainless steel with more Sn cracks in the course of blooming mostly .

  8. 结果表明,钢锭在初轧开坯前的均热过程中,由于加热温度过高引起晶粒粗化是导致成品钢冲击韧性恶化的主要原因。

    Experimental results showed that the impact toughness deterioration of the steel examined after final treatment is attributed to the very coarse grain structure , which is induced by severe overheating of blooms during soaking treatment prior to bloom rolling .

  9. CCD技术在鞍钢第一初轧厂重轨坯测量中的应用

    Application of CCD Technology to the Measurement of Heavy Rail Stock at AISC No.1 Primary Mill Plant

  10. 这个阶段叫作初轧或开坯。

    The first stage is called primary rolling , or cogging .

  11. 初轧-轧坯联合轧机二辊式万能板坯初轧机

    Combination blooming billet mil 2-Hi universal type slabbing mill

  12. 初轧-轧坯联合轧机酸洗-冷轧机组中侧冲剪冲切位置的改进

    Combination blooming billet mil Improvement of Notching Position for Side Notching in Pickling-Tandem Cold Mill Line

  13. 本文论述和总结了初轧机生产异型坯时,在孔型设计、加热、轧制方面应考虑的一些原则。

    Some principles for pass design , heating and rolling are summarized when produced sketch blank with bloom , and some measures are put forward to assure the product quality under its peculiarity .