
qiē ɡē jī
  • cutting machine;cutter
  1. 本论文的研究围绕着数控V带切割机的研制与开发而进行。

    The dissertation mainly deals with the research and developing work of numerical control V-belt cutter .

  2. 数控V带切割机的研制开发介绍了数控V带切割机的基本结构。

    The Design of Numerical Control V-Strop Cutter This paper introduces the foundational construction of numerical controlled v-strop cutter .

  3. 逆时针转动旋钮可以开启切割机。

    The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise .

  4. 他用什么切割机把她四岁的尸体肢解了?

    What tree chipper he fed her four-year-old body into ?

  5. 单轴经济切割机可处理大多数材料,包括乙烯,塑料薄膜,无纺布,泡沫和纸张

    Single shaft economy slitter handles most materials including vinyl , plastic films , non-woven s , foams and paper .

  6. PLC在管材自动行星切割机中的应用

    Application of PLC in Pipe Automatic Planet Cutting Machine

  7. 基于WINDOWSCE的激光切割机开放式数控系统的研究

    The Research on Windows CE-based Open-architecture CNC System of Laser Cutting Machine

  8. 基于PLC控制的电容条切割机

    Cutting Machine for Manufacture Capacitor Based on PLC

  9. CM会话型数控线切割机自动编程系统的设计与实现

    CM Interactive Automatic Programming System for Numerical Control Tool

  10. 一种数控火焰切割机CNC系统

    A Kind of CNC System for the Torch-Cutting Machine

  11. 船厂数控切割机两轴联动伺服控制器的PC模板化设计

    PC Board Design of a Two Linked Shafts Servo Controller for CNC Cutting Machine Used by Shipyards

  12. 线切割机的一个CMOS数字程控设计

    A CMOS NC design for the wire - cut machine

  13. 这一接口软件的使用使AutoCAD成了线切割机的编程器,给线切割机的加工编制带来了极大的方便。

    This makes AutoCAD as coder used for wire-cutting Machine .

  14. 本文叙述了一个主要针对电脑切割机,雕刻机为输出设备的广告CAD系统,总体设计上及几个实现技术。

    The general design and implementation of an advertisement CAD system for cuting and carving are illustrated in this paper .

  15. 而LED多线切割机被日本和瑞士企业垄断,成为制约我国LED产业发展的瓶颈。

    LED MWS is monopolized by Japanese and Swiss enterprises , and becomes a development bottleneck that constrains our country LED industry .

  16. 他们也可以尝试高科技工具,包括一台激光切割机及3D打印机,以及传统的购物工具。

    They can also try out high-tech tools including a laser cutter and a 3D printer , as well as traditional shop tools .

  17. GSⅡ型数控火焰切割机的设计

    The Design of the GS ⅱ NC Flame Cutting Machine

  18. 本文提出一种以CCD摄像机为检测工具,以激光三角测量法为原理的激光切割机高度跟随检测系统的设计方案。

    A method using CCD camera and the laser triangulation principle to design a height adjusting system for laser cutti .

  19. LED基片专用摇摆式多线切割机是半导体照明产业中衬底切片的专用装备。

    Swing type multi-wire saw ( MWS ) for LED substrate is the special equipment in the LED wafer manufacturing process in semiconductor lighting industry .

  20. 针对切割机这一特殊的数控系统,分析了割缝补偿、速度预处理、PLC等几个重要功能模块的实现方法。

    It gives the detail about the treatment and realization of some important modules such as slot compensation , velocity pretreatment and PLC .

  21. 同时增加自动绕线机构和放线侧排线器,得到LED多线切割机机械机构。

    At the same time , automatic winding institutions and row wire institutions of the pay-off side are increased , and LED MWS mechanical institutions is got .

  22. 介绍了数控等离子切割机在完成钢板套料后,切割机x,y,z三轴驱动系统协调工作;

    This paper introduces how CNC plasma cutting machine , for it nesting had been done , coordinates its three axes x , y , z.

  23. 像3D打印机、数控镂铣机和激光切割机等工业设备原先只有高端的设计团队才能使用得到,而现在它们已经变成了消费性产品。

    Industrial tools , such as 3-D printers , CNC routers , and laser cutters , which were previously only available to high-end design teams , are becoming consumer products .

  24. 箱包手袋业:设计、出格、算料CAD软件、数字化仪、纸样切割机、电脑裁皮机;激光雕刻与切割机。

    Cases AND hANDbags : Design , style AND CAD software , digital instrument , paper sample cutting machines , computerized leather tailoring machines laser engraving AND cutting machines .

  25. 基于DXF文件的电火花数控线切割机的自动编程

    Automatically Programming of CNC Wire - out EDM Machine Based on DXF Files

  26. 提出了一种由AUTOCAD二维图形直接生成数控火焰切割机加工代码的方法,为从CAD到CAM提出了一种简单有效而且实用的途径。

    A method to generate numerical control codes directly from Auto CAD 2D-drawing is proposed , thus it provides a simple but effective and practical approach from CAD to CAM .

  27. 应用模糊参数自适应PID控制器实现线切割机钼丝的张力控制,减小钼丝的抖动频率和幅度,提高线切割加工质量。

    The tension control of molybdenum wire produces a direct effect on the range and the frequency of its vibration , thus , affecting the quality of the wire cutting .

  28. PVC塑窗异型材生产线有锥形双螺杆挤出机、真空定型台、牵引机、切割机、贴膜机、翻料架等组成。

    This machine consists of cone double screw extruder , vacuum setting table , drawing machine , cutting machine , film sticking machine , material tumbling frame , etc.

  29. 由G代码提供的零件表面几何信息及工艺信息(丝半径和放电间隙),推导出低速走丝电火花线切割机上下导丝嘴的运动轨迹,实现上下异型切割运动轨迹的精确控制。

    The movement track of upper guide roller and lower guide roller is derived according to the geometry and technology information of the workpiece , the cutting track of abnormity is controlled exactly .

  30. 针对主从-位置算法的局限性,建立LED多线切割机自动绕线的数学模型,提出一种并联差分耦合控制算法,并对其有效性进行证明。

    The limitations of master-slave-position control algorithm are analyzed , and through establishing a LED MWS mathematics model of the automatic winding , a kind of parallel differential coupled control algorithm is put forward .