
  • 网络VALVE;Switching valve
  1. APB-410自动滴定管切换阀故障的分析与维修

    Malfunction Analysis and Maintenance of Transfer valve for APB-410 Automatic Titration pipette

  2. 三通切换阀卡死。

    " blocking " of three way switching valve .

  3. 真空变压吸附制氧机切换阀工艺调整原理和方法

    Regulating Principles And Methods of Valves of VPSA Oxygen Plants

  4. 拆下切换阀和管路。

    Remove switch-over valve and lines .

  5. 在空气分离系统中着重对分子筛纯化系统切换阀的顺序控制方法进行研究。

    Emphatically studied on the sequential control methods on switching valve of molecular sieve purification system .

  6. 新型速度切换阀及其应用

    Application of New Speed Switch Valve

  7. 阀体材质:详见分子筛切换阀数据表。

    Material of valve body : please see data sheet of molecular sieve changeover valve for details .

  8. 设计的切换阀可使试样及空气定量注入,并能准确间隔试样带。

    A new valve is designed to inject the sample and the bubbles into the carrier stream quantitatively .

  9. 高层建筑消防储水池问题的探讨液动切换阀高寿命设计的摩擦学依据

    Study on the Question of High Building Fire Water Basan Optimism Product Life of Pilot-Operated Valves Basan on Tribology

  10. 电动流动分析系统由一台自制电渗泵和4个电磁切换阀组成,由计算机编程控制。

    The EFA system consisted of a home-made electroosmotic pump and four solenoid valves , and was controlled by a computer with Visual C program .

  11. 由切换阀可方便的依次实现胀圈及由器体内腔构成的储气室充放气。

    By the switching valve , the charging and the venting of the expansion ring and an air reservoir which is composed of an inner cavity of the device body are orderly realized conveniently .

  12. 对带低温切换阀的小孔气库型脉冲管的等熵膨胀效率的初步实验结果表明,其等熵效率可达40%以上,显示了一定的应用前景。

    In the preliminary experiments the adiabatic expansion efficiency of orifice pulse tube with low temperature switching valve can be higher than 40 % . These results show the application prospects of the machine .

  13. 充分发挥软硬件各自的优势,设计完成气动回路故障诊断仪和气动多支路自动切换阀,采用检测与诊断相结合的方法,力求诊断迅速、准确。

    Take fully advantage of software and hardware , pneumatic circuit fault diagnosing instrument and automatic actuated valve in pneumatic multiple branches were designed . In order to diagnose faults rapidly and correctly , the integration of detection and diagnosis were adopted .

  14. 在分子筛切换阀安装和投运期间,供货商应派遣有经验的工程师到现场指导,协助并监督分子筛切换球阀的正确安装及调试,保证其投入运行。

    During installation and operation of molecular sieve changeover ball valve , the supplier shall assign experienced engineers to the site to provide site instruction , assist and supervise the proper installation and commissioning of such valve , to ensure the putting into operation of such valve .

  15. 基于均匀试验设计方法,建立了流道主要结构参数与压力损失的函数关系,并根据得到的最优参数组合对主阀块和高低压切换阀块的流道进行了优化改进。

    Based on the uniform design method , the function relation between the main structure parameters of channels and pressure loss was established . With the obtained best design scheme , the channels of the main valve block and pressure switching valve block were optimized and improved . 5 .

  16. 柱切换是指利用多通路切换阀改变进样阀与色谱柱、色谱柱与色谱柱、色谱柱与检测器之间的连接关系的技术。

    The technique of column-switching could alter the connections between injection valve and column , column and column , column and detector .