
  • 网络BRIDGING;bridge formation;bridge phenomenon;Crack-bridging
  1. 结果表明:为了避免或减小陶瓷过滤元件之间的粉尘架桥现象采用变孔隙率陶瓷过滤元件是可行的;

    The results show that the ceramic filter elements with variable void fraction can be suitably adopted to eliminate or decrease the dust bridge phenomenon .

  2. 说明经发酵液处理,淀粉颗粒被菌体吸附,使得粒径变小,颗粒密度增大,同时淀粉颗粒间产生架桥现象,形成较大的絮凝体并由重力作用在浆液中迅速下沉。

    It explained that the sweet potato starch particles were adsorbed by mycelium , and particle size was smaller , and particle density was increased . Meanwhile , starch particles generated " bridge " phenomenon and form a larger flocculation sinking quickly by gravity in slurry .

  3. 国际上,现有的非轴对称缠绕CAD/CAM软件都采用离散的三角片逼近法来设计和计算缠绕路径,设计出的路径容易产生打滑、架桥等现象;

    Advanced filament winding machines and CAD / CAM software for filament winding are required for the design and production of non-axisymmetric parts .

  4. 纤维路径和机器路径的实时三维仿真设计出的纤维路径不会产生打滑、架桥等现象,分布均匀

    Real time simulating the fiber paths and machine paths The fiber paths designed by this system are stable , non bridging and uniformly cover the mandrel