
  • 网络filter
  1. 本文叙述在开清棉工序配套应用PC控制、自调匀整、新型成卷机、综合滤尘器等新技术的应用效果。

    Abstract It is briefed the operation effects of domestic opening and cleaning section complemented with PC controlling and auto-levelling system , new-type lapper and compound dust filter .

  2. 清棉双转笼滤尘系统的实践

    The Practice of the Rotary Double-Cage Filter System in Blowing Room

  3. 美国Pneumafil旋转式前道滤尘器

    Pneumafil Rotary Pre filter

  4. 采用亲水性的聚乙二醇为添加剂,可以有效改善涂层织物的透湿性,随着PEG分子量的增加,涂层织物的滤尘性呈下降趋势,但透湿量和透气率增加。

    When hydrophilic additives such as polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) was used , the moisture permeability of coated fabrics is improved . With the increase of PEG molecular weight , dust filtration of coated fabrics turned to lower , while moisture permeability and air permeability were increased .

  5. 空气压缩机进风滤尘器风扇、气泵或压缩机叶轮减小鼓风机除尘系统滤风压差的实践

    Practice of Reducing Filtering Air Pressure Difference of Fan Dedusting System

  6. 清花布袋滤尘设计的探讨

    An Approach to the Designing of the Blowing Bag Filter System

  7. 关于清棉滤尘几个问题的探讨

    A Discussion of Several Air Filtration Problems in Blowing Room

  8. 纺织企业滤尘设备更新的技术经济分析

    Techno-economic Analysis of Dust Filtration Equipment Renovation in Textile mill

  9. 滤尘风机捕集效率的理论研究

    Research for Collection Efficiency of Filtrating Dust Fan in Theories

  10. 开清棉布袋式滤尘的改造

    Reformation of the Bag Filtering in Opening and Picking Processes

  11. 覆膜滤料的滤尘性能测试方法研究

    Research on Filtration Performance Testing Method of Membrane Filter Media

  12. 圆笼滤尘器吸嘴的清除原理分析

    The Principle Analysis of the Nozzels on Rotary Filter

  13. 牵引电机空气滤尘器的研制

    Development of Aerial Dust Filter for Pulling Motor

  14. 南山矿压风机房水冷却系统变频改造空气压缩机进风滤尘器

    Frequency Transformation of Water Cooling System in Wind Pressure Room in Nanshan Coal Mine

  15. 手术室空调滤尘网带菌状况分析及对策

    Analysis and countermeasure to the bacteria-existing status of the air-condition 's filter in operation room

  16. 复合式滤尘器过滤效率测试方法的研究

    Study on Determination of Composed Filter Efficiency

  17. 空气压缩机进风滤尘器浓缩过的氢氧化纳通过压滤机过滤。

    Air compressor suction strainer The concentrated sodium hydroxide is filtered through a pressure filter .

  18. 使用中应检查电动机、轴承、电刷与集电环、螺栓、通风、滤尘器等情况。

    The motor bearings brushes electric rings bolts , ventilation and filter dust unit are checked before operating .

  19. 新方法不仅使整理后面料的滤尘性、耐洗性、透湿性和手感良好,而且加工成本大大下降。

    This kind of fabric had high dust filtration , excellent moisture permeable , good handle and lower cost .

  20. 占地省:在相同过滤面积条件下,占地面积仅为其它滤尘机组的一半。

    Less occupation : The unit nearly takes just as half-floor area as else filter does for the same filtering areas .

  21. 本文介绍了该滤尘器的设计指导思想、设备组成、主体结构、工作原理及主要部件设计。

    This paper introduces its design principle , composing , main structure , work theory and the design of major parts .

  22. 这为快捷的气体采样法测定复合式滤尘器的过滤效率提供了依据。

    It provides the basis for the fast determination of the filter efficiency to the composed filter in the air sampling method .

  23. 当含尘空气通过过滤器时,滤料的初始阻力随滤尘增加而逐步上升。

    When air containing dust passes through the filter , the initial resistance of the filter material rises along with the increase of filter dust .

  24. 本文用技术经济分析原理和方法,对棉纺厂滤尘设备更新进行了科学及定量评价,以说明重视辅助设备更新的意义。

    Based on the techno and economic principle , procedures , the author analyses and estimates the renovation of dust filtration equipment in textile mill .

  25. 方法检测手术室紫外线消毒前后的空气菌落数和空调滤尘网表面菌落数;

    Method The floras in air and in the surface of air-condition 's filter were collected both before and after ultraviolet disinfection in the operation room .

  26. 在介绍纤维过滤和颗粒过滤的基本理论基础上,根据表面过滤的尘滤尘现象,应用颗过滤理论建立了纤维层表面非稳态过滤效率的数学模型。

    The basic filtration theory of the fiber filter and granular bed filter are firstly introduced in order to discuss the dynamic filtration of the fiber filter .

  27. 在真空吸水箱内插装滤尘袋(12)时,即可作吸尘机用。

    When the dust filter bag ( 12 ) is inserted in the vacuum water suction box , the utility model can be used as a suction cleaner .

  28. 文章介绍了上海第二十二棉纺织厂与上海市棉纺织科学技术研究所研制的清棉双转笼滤尘系统使用情况。

    This article introduces the performance of the rotary double-cage filter system developed through Shanghai Cotton Mill No. 22 in cooperation with Shanghai Textile Science and Technology Research Institute .

  29. 本实用新型涉及一种转轮式拔尘装置,用于清理滤尘设备集尘器落料箱内集尘。

    The utility model relates to a rotary wheel type dust collector used for cleaning the collected dust in a blanking case of a dust collector of a dust filtration device .

  30. 结果:有滤尘罩的中央空调系统管道送风口终端(客房送风口)的可吸入颗粒物浓度小于房间中央的浓度值(P<0.05),有显著性差异。

    Results : The central air-conditioning with dust filtrating cover , concentration of inhalable particles at room vent was smaller than the value of room central ( P < 0.05 ), which had significant difference .