
  • 网络filter inductance
  1. 其中,滤波电感和中间直流支撑电容的参数设计是硬件电路设计中的重点;控制软件设计中,DC/AC逆变单元的并网控制是软件设计的重点。

    To the design of hardware , the filter inductance and capacitance of DC-link are the key parts ; grid-connected control is the key design of control software .

  2. 铁基非晶材质主要用于PFC电感器,大功率滤波电感,光伏太阳能电抗器,储能电感等方面。

    Fe-based amorphous material is mainly used for PFC inductor , power filter inductance , photovoltaic solar reactors , energy storage inductors and so on .

  3. 输出滤波电感在CO2弧焊逆变电源中的作用

    A Study on Functions of Output Filter Inductor in Inverter CO_2 Gas Shielded Arc Welding Machine

  4. 开关电源输出滤波电感K(RP)设计法

    K_ ( RP ) Method in Design Output Inductor of Switching Power Supply

  5. 分析了系统的全局稳定条件,从而获得APF交流侧滤波电感的设计依据;

    Based on the analysis of global stability condition , the design gist for filtering inductor at AC side is obtained .

  6. 论文详细分析了该变换器的工作原理,讨论了开关管实现ZVS的条件、阻断电容以及滤波电感值的选取等,最后进行了实验验证。

    This paper analyzes the operation principle , discusses the design of the block capacitor and the output inductance .

  7. 当输出滤波电感的电流在一个周期内不连续时,移相全桥PWM变换器就工作在电流断续模式(DCM)。

    Phase-shifted full-bridge PWM converters work in discontinuous current mode ( DCM ), when the current of out-put filter inductor is discontinuous in one switching period .

  8. Buck型全桥变换器在高输出电压应用场合,其输出滤波电感需要承受较高的电压,使得制造工艺复杂;

    In high output voltage applications , the output inductance of the Buck FB converter will be sustain high voltage , resulting in complicated manufacture method .

  9. 将TOPswitch单片精密开关电源中的高频变压器和滤波电感利用解耦磁集成方法集成在一起,推导了磁件等效电路,作了仿真验证。

    To integrate the high frequency transformer and filter inductance of the TOP Switch singlechip precision switching-mode power supply together with decoupling magnetism integration method , it educes magnetic component equivalent circuit and verifies it with the emulation experiment .

  10. 通过Buck电路的滤波电感、滤波电容和电容ESR的辨识实验验证了这一方法的有效性。

    The validity of this method is validated by experiments in which the inductance , capacitance , load resistance and ESR of capacitor of Buck circuit are identified .

  11. 它利用输出滤波电感的能量可以在很宽的负载范围内实现原边开关管的ZVS;

    ZVS is achieved for all switches in a wide load range with the use of the energy in the output filter inductors .

  12. 作为静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)的关键参数,滤波电感对补偿器的性能有着综合性的影响。

    As a key parameter of static synchronous compensator , the filter inductance comprehensively affects the performance of the compensator .

  13. 设计了Buck电路的参数辨识实验装置,通过对其滤波电感、滤波电容和电容的ESR的辨识实验验证了这一方法的有效性。

    To prove the validity of this method , experiments of Buck circuit are designed . In these experiments the inductance , capacitance , load resistance and ESR of capacitor are identified .

  14. 采用状态空间平均法建立了逆变器平均模型,获得了输出电压、滤波电感电流、共同导通时间、单极性SPWM波占空比等关键电路参数的设计准则和逆变器的外特性曲线。

    The design criterion of key circuit parameters , such as output voltage , filtering inductance , common conduction time , uni-polarity SPWM waveform 's duty cycle etc are obtained .

  15. 输入输出共地的Buck三电平变换器开关管的电压应力为输入电压的一半,采用交错控制方式,滤波电感最大可以减小为Buck变换器的滤波电感的1/4。

    A Buck three-level ( TL ) converter with its input and output sharing the same ground is proposed . The voltage stress of its switches is the half of the input voltage .

  16. 在完成主回路原理图和安装工艺图后,通过计算确定了二极管、滤波电感、滤波电容的参数,IGBT器件和电流霍尔元件的具体型号。

    The main circuit schematic diagram and the installation process chart are completed . The specific model of diode , filter inductor , filter capacitor parameters , IGBT devices and current Hall components are identified by calculating .

  17. 在任意光强下系统一次性测出多个电压值和电流值,同时画出I-V曲线,并且标出曲线的最大功率点。双极性单相SPWM逆变器滤波电感电流值的近似计算方法

    At the same time the system painted I-V curve and computed the max power of the curve . An Approximate Calculation Approach of the Current of the Filter Conductor for a Bipolar Single-Phase SPWM Inverter

  18. 按照设计方案,搭建了GCPV的实验平台,主要包括:主功率电路、滤波电感排、DSP控制板、数据采样电路。

    According to the design project , the paper establishes an experiment platform including the main power circuit , the inductor group for filtering , the DSP control board and data sampling circuit .

  19. 文中给出了6种DC/DC电路的混杂系统模型,并以Buck电路的滤波电感、滤波电容及其等效串联电阻的参数辨识为例,通过实验验证了这一方法的有效性。

    In this paper , the hybrid models of six kinds of DC / DC circuits are presented . The validity of this method is validated by experiments in which the inductance , capacitance and the ESR of capacitance of Buck circuits are identified .

  20. 给出一种从输出滤波电感的电流波动系数KRP出发,设计开关电源输出滤波电感的新方法。

    By introducing current ripple ratio K RP , this paper shows a novel method for designing the output inductor of switching power supply .

  21. 而三电平DC-DC变换器的研究发现,复合式全桥三电平变换器不仅可以降低原边开关管的电压应力,还可以减小输出滤波电感量,适用于宽输入电压范围。

    The research on the three-level DC-DC converter reveals that the hybrid full-bridge three-level ( HFB TL ) not only can reduce the voltage stress of the primary switches , but also can decrease the filter inductance , which fits for the wide input voltage range .

  22. 开关电源滤波电感电流间断模式的分析

    The analysis of inductor current discontinuous mode in switching power supply

  23. 论文设计了高频变压器和滤波电感。

    A high-frequency transformer and filter inductor are designed in the paper .

  24. 开关电源中直流输出滤波电感的设计

    Design for DC Output Filter Inductance in Switched Electrical Source

  25. 滤波电感在线估计方法在预测电流控制中的应用

    An Online Estimation Method of the Filter Inductance for a Predictive Current Control

  26. 静止同步补偿器滤波电感的选择

    Selection of Filter Inductance in Static Synchronous Compensator

  27. 这种分析与设计的基本原则可推广应用于其它类型脉冲变压器或滤波电感的设计与分析。

    The design and analysis mentioned here can be extended to other types of pulse transformers andmters .

  28. 可控整流直流电动机调速系统主回路临界电感量与滤波电感量的计算问题

    Computation of Critical Inductance and Filtering Inductance in Main Circuits of Thyristor - based DC Speed Control System

  29. 研究了有源电力滤波器主电路拓扑结构,给出了一种工程化的有源电力滤波器输出滤波电感的设计方法。

    Study the main circuit of shunt APF , give a project design methods for APF output filter inductor .

  30. 在两种负载模型下,通过计算分析了滤波电感和电容对电源电压波动的影响;

    The voltage ripple waveform is analyzed based on the inductance and the capacitive change under two load models .