
  • 网络matrix converter
  1. PARK变换;空间矢量调制;矩阵变换器;暂态分析;

    PARK transformation ; space vector modulation ; matrix converter ; transient analysis ;

  2. 基于MATLAB的矩阵变换器空间相量调制研究

    Research on Space Vector Modulation Strategy of Matrix Converter Based on MATLAB

  3. 基于FPGA的间接矩阵变换器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Indirect Matrix Converter Based on FPGA

  4. 基于Matlab仿真模块的矩阵变换器空间矢量调制策略仿真研究

    Simulation Study of Matrix Converter Space Vector Modulation Method Based on Simulation Block of Matlab

  5. 新型矩阵变换器的Matlab仿真应用

    Research of New Matrix Converter Matlab Simulation

  6. 基于DSP的矩阵变换器交流变频调速技术研究

    Research of AC Frequency Conversion and Speed Regulation Technology for Matrix Converter Basd on DSP

  7. 随机脉冲位置PWM及其在矩阵变换器中的实现

    Randomized Pulse Position PWM and Its Realization on Matrix Converter

  8. 基于DSP和CPLD的单级矩阵变换器设计

    Design for Single-stage Matrix Converter Based on DSP and CPLD

  9. 基于矩阵变换器的随机脉冲位置PWM控制策略的研究

    Research for a Randomized Pulse Position PWM Control Strategy Based on Matrix Converter

  10. 用DSP和IGBT实现三相/三相矩阵变换器

    The Implementation of Matrix Converter by Using DSP and IGBT

  11. 然后对稀疏矩阵变换器的换流、调制策略进行了详细分析;最后,利用Matlab软件对稀疏矩阵变换器进行建模仿真。

    Finally , set up the simulation model of the sparse matrix converter by means of Matlab .

  12. 研制了基于DSP的样机系统,开发了基于空间矢量调制策略的矩阵变换器控制软件;

    Developed the DSP-based prototype system and control software for matrix converter based on space vector modulation ;

  13. 介绍了一般意义上的n×m型矩阵变换器的拓扑形式及双向功率开关的构成;

    Introduces the topology of a general M × N matrix converter and the construction of a bidirectional power switching device .

  14. 仿真结果表明,采用电流滞环PWM控制策略的矩阵变换器是可行的。

    The simulation results verify the practicability of the matrix converter with such control strategy .

  15. 基于CPLD的矩阵变换器4步换流的实现

    Implementation of Four-step Commutation for Matrix Converter Base on CPLD

  16. 基于DSP与CPLD的矩阵变换器间接SVPWM控制

    Implementation of indirect SVPWM for the matrix converter based on DSP and CPLD

  17. 基于交流斩波逆变器的交直交矩阵变换器研究H桥直流斩波变换器边界碰撞分岔和混沌研究

    Study of AC-DC-AC matrix converter based on AC chopper inverter Mechanism of Border-collision Bifurcations and Chaos in H-bridge Direct Current Chopper

  18. 矩阵变换器作为一种通用电源变换装置,可以方便实现n相到m相变换。

    MC ( Matrix Converter ) as one type of general power converter , can realize n phase to m phase voltage conversion .

  19. 基于DSP的SPWM矩阵变换器

    SPWM Matrix Converter Based on DSP

  20. 探讨了一种新型交交变频器&以间接控制法为调制策略的矩阵变换器,并应用MATLAB仿真软件对其进行仿真建模。

    By means of Matlab program , a simulation model of matrix converter based on the indirect control theory was set up .

  21. 新型BUCK-BOOST矩阵变换器的鲁棒PID控制策略

    Robust PID Control Strategy for New Buck-Boost Matrix Converter

  22. 可编程逻辑器件(PLD)在矩阵变换器中的应用

    Application of programmable logic device ( PLD ) to matrix converter

  23. 非正常输入条件下SPWM矩阵变换器的前馈补偿控制

    A Feed-Forward Compensation Strategy of SPWM Matrix Converter Under Abnormal Input Voltage Conditions

  24. 基于前馈补偿的SPWM矩阵变换器控制策略研究

    A Compensation Method for SPWM Matrix Converter Based on Feed - forward Control

  25. 为了对矩阵变换器实施安全换流,设计并实现了由CPLD器件来实现矩阵变换器双向开关间的安全换流策略。

    In order to fulfill the safe commutation , the commutation strategy implemented with CPLD is designed .

  26. 基于Zeta电路的高电压传输比矩阵变换器研究

    Study of High Voltage Transfer Ratio Matrix Converter Based on Zeta Circuit

  27. 双级矩阵变换器的SPWM控制策略及无功功率控制

    Study on Control Strategy for SPWM Method of Two-stage Matrix Converter and Reactive Power Control

  28. 第三章详细论述了矩阵变换器工作原理和控制方法,并选择了空间矢量调制(Spacevectormodulation简称SVM)法作为矩阵变换器的调制策略。

    Chapter 3 discusses the principle and control method of matrix converter in detail , and selects the space vector modulation ( SVM ) act as the modulating strategy .

  29. 采用数字信号处理器(DSP)芯片TMS320LF2407A实现了矩阵变换器的实验控制系统。

    In the end , the experimental control system based on DSP ( TMS320FL2407A ) are realized .

  30. 在矩阵变换器的实际应用中,为了满足电磁兼容性(EMC)的要求,通常在电源与开关矩阵之间接有输入滤波器。

    Input filters are usually adopted in matrix converter systems to meet the requirement of electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) .