
jǔ xíng bō dǎo
  • rectangular waveguide
矩形波导[jǔ xíng bō dǎo]
  1. 比较了双负媒质结构加载前后矩形波导天线及其阵列的增益方向图,数值仿真和测量结果表明,天线的前向增益得到显著的提高,同时对后向辐射也有一定的抑制效果。

    The gain patterns of the rectangular waveguide antenna and arrays with and without DNG structure are compared . Simulation and experimental results show that the forward gain of antenna is enhanced distinctly and backward radiation is somewhat restrained with the DNG structure .

  2. 并矢Green函数在矩形波导中表示式的推导

    Derivation of Dyadic Green 's Function Expression in Rectangular Waveguide

  3. 任意形状的H面矩形波导不连续性的有限元分析

    Finite-element analysis of H-plane discontinuities of arbitrary shape in a rectangular waveguide

  4. H面压缩矩形波导结环行器的研究

    Research on H - Plane Compressed Rectangular Waveguide Junction Circulator

  5. 矩形波导H面90°弯头和T型结头的计算机辅助设计

    Computer-Aided Design to H-Plane Corner Bend and T-Junction of a Rectangular Waveguide

  6. 多端口矩形波导E面波导结数值分析

    A New Approach to Analysis of Multi-port E-plane Junctions in Rectangular Waveguides

  7. 矩形波导E面直角弯头的模匹配分析

    Mode Match Analysis of the E-Plane Right Angle Junction for Rectangular Waveguide

  8. X波段矩形波导雷达信标天线的设计

    The Design of an X-Band Racon Antenna with Rectangular Waveguide

  9. 矩形波导T型接头的CAD分析

    The CAD Analysis for Tee Junction Coupled Rectangular Waveguide

  10. 新型矩形波导CO2激光器RF转换效率的研究

    A Study of RF Inversion Efficiency of Metal-Ceramic Waveguide CO_2 Laser

  11. 矩形波导T型接头的CAD分析方矩形管孔型的计算机辅助设计

    The CAD Analysis for Tee Junction Coupled Rectangular Waveguide The Square Pipe Pass CAD

  12. E面部分填充介质矩形波导的导体损耗

    Metallic Loss of a Rectangular Waveguide Partially Filled with Dielectric in E - Plane

  13. 矩形波导E面不连续性的DDM/FEM分析

    Analysis of E-plane Discontinuity in a Rectangular Waveguide by the DDM / FEM Method

  14. 矩形波导中沿E面均匀介质柱散射特性的边界元分析

    Boundary - Element Analysis on Scattering of E-Plane Uniform Dielectric Post in Rectangular Waveguide

  15. 本文给出X波段矩形波导相控阵天线的研制结果。

    The results of an actual X-band rectangular waveguide phase controlled antenna array are given .

  16. X波段矩形波导相控阵天线

    X-band rectangular waveguide phased array antenna

  17. W波段矩形波导-同轴转换器的研制

    Development of Rectangular Waveguide - Coaxial Transformer at W-band

  18. 介质片非对称加载矩形波导中的TEM场区

    TEM field in a rectangular waveguide loaded asymmetrically wtih two dielectric slabs

  19. 为了提高E面全金属膜片矩形波导滤波器的阻带性能,本文对滤波器的结构做了改进,采用了混合膜片的形式。

    Comparing to conventional E-plane waveguide filter , great improvments have been made in stop-band attenuation of a BPF .

  20. 旋磁介质加载矩形波导中TEM场的研究

    The Study of TEM Field in a Rectangular Waveguide with Gyromagnetic Dielectric Slab Filled

  21. 在矩形波导管内建立TEM场区的工作条件

    The Principle and Designed Method of Setting up TEM Field in Rectangular Wave Guide

  22. 由于实际工程中大多数都使用矩形波导,所以H面矩形波导结环行器得到了广泛的研究和应用。

    H-plane rectangular waveguide junction circulators have been widely studied and used because rectangular waveguide is mostly used in practical engineering .

  23. TE(10)波在矩形波导中传输特性的研究

    On TE _ ( 10 ) wave propagation in rectangle wave guide

  24. 矩形波导TE(10)、TEM模电桥

    Rectangular Waveguide TE_ ( 10 ), TEM-mode Hybrid

  25. 设计分析建立在波导柱结构的等效耦合网络基础上,该耦合网络的网络参数同几何结构尺寸和频率的关系由矩形波导的并矢Green函数导出。

    The design equations are derived on the basis of coupled network of waveguide-post structure by utilizing the dyadic Green 's function of a rectangular waveguide .

  26. 用FDTD法计算矩形波导中E面膜片的等效参数

    Calculating of the Equivalent Circuit Parameters of the E-Plane Strip in Rectangular Waveguides with the FDTD Method

  27. 给出了标准X波段矩形波导(BJ&100或WG16)定向耦合器参数随频率的变化关系。

    The parameters of a standard X-band rectangular waveguide ( BJ-100 or WG 16 ) as a function of frequency are given .

  28. UHF宽带同轴-矩形波导转换器新结构

    New Structure of Broad Band Coaxial-Rectangular Waveguide Transition in UHF Band

  29. 用矩量法和并矢格林函数理论研究矩形波导E面缝隙T型耦合器的耦合特性。

    The coupling properties of Tee Junction coupler in a rectangular waveguide E plane are investigated using moment method and dyadic Green'sfunction theory .

  30. 并以矩形波导为例,说明符号法求电磁场的并矢Green函数比较简便。

    With the rectangular waveguide as a specific example , we may see that it is simpler to derive dyadic Green 's functions of electromagnetic field by Dirac-Symbol Method .