
  • 网络vswr;Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
  1. 射频同轴电缆电压驻波比影响因素的分析

    Analysis of VSWR of RF Coaxial Cable

  2. 方向图、增益和电压驻波比的计算结果与实验结果吻合。

    The computational results of pattern , gain and VSWR are agreeable to the experimental ones .

  3. 电压驻波比图像在RF电缆制造中的应用

    Application of VSWR Images in RF Coaxial Cable Manufacturing

  4. 输入输出电压驻波比(VSWR)均小于2;

    Both the input and output voltage standing wave ratios ( VSWR ) are less than 2 within the bandwidth .

  5. 测量结果表明,天线的阻抗带宽(电压驻波比,VSWR≤2)和圆极化带宽(轴比AR≤3dB)分别达到18.8%和12.3%。

    The impedance bandwidth for VSWR ≤ 2 and circular polarization bandwidth for axial ratio AR ≤( 3 dB ) reaches 18.8 % and 12.3 % , respectively .

  6. 给出其在两个主平面&E平面与H平面上的辐射方向图和波束场分布特性的测试结果以及电压驻波比VSWR的测量结果;同时给出频带和旁瓣特性。

    The measurement results of patterns , field distribution characteristics of wave beam in two principal planes-H plane and E plane and the voltage standing wave ratio VSWR , and the properties of bandwidth and sidelobe are given .

  7. 研究了这种新型套筒天线的输入阻抗、电压驻波比(VSWR)、增益及辐射方向图等电特性。

    The electric characteristic parameters of this novel sleeve antenna are calculated , including the input impedance , voltage standing wave ratio ( VSWR ), horizontal gain and radiation pattern .

  8. 通过仿真计算得到了天线的电压驻波比(VSWR)、端口隔离度、辐射方向图以及交叉极化电平等参数,仿真结果符合设计指标要求。

    In HFSS , the antenna index such as VSWR , port isolation , radiation pattern and cross polarization are obtained . The simulated result proves that this antenna is in accord with requirement .

  9. 这种TE(21)模激励技术和与主模TE(11)模相位差的调整方法,对馈源的电压驻波比几乎没有影响。

    It is shown that either the technique for generating TE_ ( 21 ) mode or the method for adjusting the phase difference between the primary mode TE_ ( 11 ) and TE_ ( 21 ) has almost no effect on the VSWR of the feed .

  10. 其次研究了宽角有限长双锥天线的宽带特性,解析地求出了宽角有限长双锥天线的输入阻抗和电压驻波比等参数,并通过CST微波工作室的仿真验证了结果的正确性。

    Secondly , the broadband characteristics of the wide-angle biconical antenna have been researched and parameters such as input impedance and VSWR are resolved . Simulations are carried out by CST microwave studio to demonstrate validity of the results .

  11. 电压驻波比VSWR<1.5,带宽为120MHz。

    The bandwidth of VSWR ( Voltage Standing Wave Ratio ) < 1.5 is 120 MHz and of AR ( Axial Ratio ) < 3 dB is 27 MHz .

  12. 获得的实测结果为:中心频率为10GHz,电压驻波比小于2的带宽为33.85%,圆极化轴比小于3dB的带宽为22.4%。

    The experimental results show that the frequency bandwidth is 22 . 4 % for a 3-dB axial ratio criterion and is 33.85 % for a VSWR < 2 criterion at the central frequency 10 GHz .

  13. 在此基础上,设计了一副工作在108MHz~420MHz频段、电压驻波比小于3.0的实用套筒单极子天线,计算结果与实测结果吻合良好。

    On the basis of these results , a practical sleeve monopole antenna operating over the range of 108 MHz ~ 420 MHz with VSWR < 3.0 is designed . The calcula - tional results derived agree well with the experimental results .

  14. 浅谈天馈线电压驻波比对微波电路的影响

    Simple analysis of the influence of VSWR on microwave circuits

  15. 物理发泡同轴电缆电压驻波比的性能分析

    Analysis of VSWR of physically-foamed coaxial cable

  16. 给出了在满足电压驻波比的前提下,以提高天线效率为准则的优化设计方案。

    Optimizing design scheme is obtained in the premise of ensuring the given VSWR and improving efficiency .

  17. 对同轴馈源方向图、电压驻波比和轴比进行了测试,测试结果与电磁仿真结果比较吻合。

    Comparing the EM simulation and experiment results showes a good agreement in directivity pattern , VSWR and axial ratio of circular polarization .

  18. 从理论上分析了渐变式传输线阻抗变换的反射与频率的关系,进而分析了同轴到平板过渡的电压驻波比关系式;

    The reflection of tapered transmission line impedance is analyzed in theory and the VSWR curve of coaxial to plane converter is drawn .

  19. 本实用新型具有重量轻、介质增益损失小,介质热噪声温度低、输入电压驻波比小等特点。

    The utility model has the characteristics of light weight , small dielectric gain loss , low dielectric thermal noise temperature , small input voltage standing wave ratio , etc.

  20. 导出了该功率分配器的匹配条件,以及功率分配比、输入端口电压驻波比和输出端口间的隔离度等公式。

    , the match condition of the power divider , and the formulas for its power division ratio , the VSWR at its input , the isolation between its outputs , etc. , have been derived .

  21. 导出天线基本参数如功率传输系数,输入电压驻波比,品质因素,辐射场以及方向性系数的表达式,并以功率传输系数为例进行了数值计算。

    The basic antenna parameters are given , for example power transmission coefficient , input voltage standing-wave ratio ( VSWR ), quality factor , radiation field and directivity . The power transmission coefficient is calculated as a numerical example .

  22. 最后,通过对试制天线的输入电压驻波比与实际应用中接收信号强度的测试,进一步验证了仿真分析的正确性,对于测试结果中存在的偏差进行了分析。

    Finally , the trial antennas were taken the input voltage standing wave ratio test and the practical application of the received signal power strength test and the results validated the correctness of the simulation analysis , the cause of deviations was discussed .

  23. 采用电磁仿真和实验的方法研究了同轴馈源辐射方向图-10dB点波束宽度的调整方法和减小同轴馈源电压驻波比和轴比的技术途径。

    The feed is a coaxial form in S-band and a circular waveguide form in X-band . The technique is studied by making use of EM simulation and experimentation for adjusting the beamwidth of - 10 dB and reducing the VSWR and axial ratio for circular polarization .

  24. 采用该方法对自由空间对数周期偶极天线的方向图、增益、输入阻抗和电压驻波比以及等效相位中心等特性进行了详细的分析计算,且计算时考虑了阵中所有偶极子之间的全部互耦。

    The electrical characteristics ( radiation pattern , gain , input impedance , voltage standing wave ratio , etc. ) and the variable phase centers of the log-periodic dipole antenna in the free space are analyzed and calculated in detail , taking into account all mutual coupling effect .