
  • 网络Electric field screening;field shielding;electric shielding
  1. 脉冲电场屏蔽效能测试系统及测试方法

    Pulse electric field shielding effectiveness measurement system

  2. 电磁脉冲辐射器是便携式电磁脉冲电场屏蔽效能测试设备的关键部分。

    The EMP radiator is the key part of the portable measurement equipment of electric field shielding efficacy .

  3. 半绝缘GaAs光电导开关产生太赫兹波电场屏蔽效应的二维MonteCarlo模拟

    Two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of screening of the bias field in terahertz generation from semi-insulated GaAs photoconductors

  4. 架空输电线路下工频电场屏蔽优化研究

    Study on Shielding Optimization for Power-frequency Electric Field under over Head Transmission Line

  5. 屏蔽技术可分为:电场屏蔽、磁场屏蔽和电磁场屏蔽。

    The magnetic shielding technology can be divided into electric shielding and magnetic shielding .

  6. 重点讨论了电场屏蔽,高、低频磁场屏蔽和同轴电缆线的屏蔽问题。

    The electrical field shield , high and low frequency magnetic shield and shield of coaxial cable are focused .

  7. 本文在分析各种干扰源性质的基础上,分别对电场屏蔽和磁场屏蔽进行了详细的介绍,以实现最佳的抗干扰效果。

    This paper introduces in detail electronic shielding and magnetic shielding respectively based on the analysis of interfer - ence sources , to obtain the most anti - interference effectiveness .

  8. 本文根据屏蔽性质,简单介绍了电场屏蔽,磁场屏蔽和电磁场屏蔽的原理,详细介绍了实际工作中如何对电测仪器进行保护。

    In accordance with shielding property , the article simply introduces the principle of shielding for electric field , magnetic field and electro-magnetic field , and details how to protect the electronic measuring instruments in the practical operation .

  9. 自主研制了一套小型脉冲电场屏蔽效能测试系统,该系统由脉冲电场发射设备和脉冲电场测试设备构成。

    A simple measurement system for the shielding effectiveness is developed , and a method for measuring pulse electric field shielding effectiveness of shielding body is presented . The system is made up of pulse electric field radiation device and its receiver .

  10. 本文从电磁兼容性设计的特点出发,结合电磁兼容性设计的内容,对干扰源的抑制、电场屏蔽、磁场屏蔽、滤波、接地、搭接、布局与线缆敷设的方法和注意事项进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses the methods and advices for suppression of jamming source , shield of electric field , filtering , grounding , joining , distribution and cable laying , based on the nature of electromagnetic compatibility together with the design of electromagnetic compatibility .

  11. 基于快速傅里叶变换(FFT)本文还对带孔金属盒的强瞬态电场频域屏蔽效能进行了分析。

    Based on FFT analysis , the shielding effectiveness of the metal enclosure in frequency domain is also investigated .

  12. 二区场向电流的产生不仅与对流电场的屏蔽相联,也与电导率变化有关。

    The region 2 field-aligned current , on the other hand , is caused by the shielding of the convection field , or by the decrease of the ionospheric conductivity .

  13. 屏蔽光伏孤子是光束的衍射和由于光伏效应和外部空间非均匀电场的屏蔽效应产生的非线性效应平衡产生的。

    The PP soliton is possible when the process of diffraction is exactly balanced by the nonlinearity due to both the photovoltaic effect and the spatially nonuniform screening of the external electric field .

  14. 它们起源于对外电场的非均匀空间屏蔽和光伏效应,不同于起源于对外电场非均匀空间屏蔽孤子和起源于光伏效应的光伏孤子,具有有趣的特性。

    These soliton pairs , differ from screening soliton pairs originating from the spatially nonuniform screening of the external electric field and photovoltaic soliton pairs originating from the photovoltaic effect , are of interesting properties .

  15. 实验表明可用脉冲电场的峰值衰减量来评估屏蔽体的脉冲电场屏蔽效能。

    Experimental results show that the attenuation of the maximum electric field value can reflect pulse electric field shielding effectiveness .

  16. 分析了碳纳米管尖端局部电场强度的增强效应和相邻碳纳米管之间的电场屏蔽现象。

    For the calculation result , the enhancement effect of electric field intensity at the carbon nanotube tip and the field-screening phenomena between carbon nanotubes tip were analyzed .

  17. 为准确测量电磁脉冲电场对电气、微电子设备的危害,设计了一种由发射设备和接收设备两部分组成的小型电场屏蔽效能测试设备。

    In order to measure the damage of electric field of electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ) produced by various kinds of micro-electronics equipment and electric equipment exactly , a portable electric field shielding effectiveness measurement device is designed in this paper .