
  • 网络electronic key;Electronic Keying;USBKey;ukey;e-key
  1. 基于电子钥匙的远程访问VPN身份鉴别方案

    Authentication Scheme of Remote Access VPN Based on Electronic Key

  2. 本文主要讨论了基于公开密钥的身份认证机制,提出了双向身份认证与电子钥匙Ekey的设计方案,并给出了具体实现。

    This paper discusses the authentication of identity based on the public key encryption mechanism , and puts forward the designs of double_ side authentication and electronic key .

  3. 考虑到有些客人根本不想和前台打交道,喜达屋集团还在纽约和加州库比蒂诺的两家雅乐轩酒店(AloftHotel)试用一种基于智能手机的“电子钥匙”。客人可以远程登记,然后直接进入他们订好的房间。

    For customers who don 't want to interact with the front desk at all , Starwood is piloting a smartphone-based room key at two Aloft Hotels , one in New York and one in Cupertino , Calif. Guests can check in remotely and waltz right up to their room .

  4. 使用电子钥匙eKey结合数字证书、数字签名、加密等技术对电子政务专网用户登录计算机进行安全管理。

    To ensure the secure management of users logging on the E-government 's special network by using electronic key , digital certificate , digital signature and encryption .

  5. 采用电子钥匙和密钥托管技术实现的私钥管理方案

    Private key management scheme based on electronic key and key escrow

  6. 主被动双向控制汽车电子钥匙系统设计方案

    Design of Automobile Electronic Key System in Active / Passive Bi-directional Control

  7. 停车场执法人员可以使用一把电子钥匙打开所有的收费器。

    Parking enforcement officers can access all meters with a single electronic key .

  8. 电子钥匙在网络认证上的应用

    The Application of Electronic Key in Network Certification

  9. 各种通讯设备之间可以交换电子钥匙和软件的信息。

    A variety of communication devices can exchange information between the electronic keys and the software .

  10. 的确,如果你只是遗失了你的电子钥匙,也就是密码,你的钱就可能消失。

    Indeed , it can disappear if you just lose your electronic key , ie passcode .

  11. 机动车电子钥匙锁

    Electronic Lock of Motor Vehicle

  12. 电子钥匙不能复制,系统会提供具体的管理审查细节。

    The electronic keys cannot be duplicated , and the system provides detailed audit reporting for management .

  13. 选择有电子钥匙系统的旅馆,这种旅馆在客人结帐离开后,房间会重设密码。

    Choose hotels that have electronic key systems where the rooms are re-keyed after guests check out .

  14. 独特的两套独立工作的控制电路,即密码键盘开锁电路及电子钥匙开锁电路。

    Two unique sets of self-work controling circuit are the unlocked circuits of both password keyset and electronic key .

  15. 钥匙还可以被设定使用时间的开启和结束,而且电子钥匙不能被复制。

    Keys can be set with a beginning and ending date , and the electronic keys cannot be duplicated .

  16. 在装备卡片式无匙起动功能后,汽车上固有的电子钥匙驾驶授权之所有标准功能仍然可用。

    When Keyless Go is fitted , all functions of the standard drive authorisation system using the electronic key are still available .

  17. 说明了使用机动车电子钥匙点火锁的必要性,详细介绍了其结构及各部件的功能,着重分析了工作过程;

    This paper illustrates the necessity of using electronic key ignition lock on vehicles and introduces the structure of the lock and the function of each part .

  18. 在一些高端车上,当带着电子钥匙的车主接近自己的车时,车门就会自动打开,这样电子钥匙就不必从口袋或包里拿出来了。

    On higher-end cars , the FOB unlocks the door when the key-holder approaches the car , so it need not be lifted from a pocket or purse .

  19. 配备星际钥匙系统允许每个用户把电子钥匙被编入访问特权的程序,从而在某天或某周的特定的时间允许或是限制访问特殊锁具。

    The CyberLock system allows each user 's electronic key to be programmed with access privileges to allow or restrict access to specific locks at certain times of the day or week .

  20. 数字证明把拥有者与一对能用于对信息加密和签名的电子钥匙捆绑在一起,保证了这对钥匙真正属于指定的个人或机构。

    Digital certificates bind owners to a pair of electronic keys that can be used to encrypt and sign information , assuring that the keys actually belong to the person or organization specified .

  21. 一位英国妇女用高科技电子钥匙打着了汽车,而这把钥匙竟在她一岁儿子的肚子里,她恐怕是发现了汽车防盗的最好办法。

    LONDON ( Reuters ) - A British woman may have discovered the ultimate in car security when she started her vehicle with a hi-tech electronic key-lodged inside the belly of her one-year-old son .

  22. 本文简要描述了身份认证的概念和身份认证机制,主要介绍了身份认证的密码技术、电子钥匙和生物辨别技术,最后提出了异地漫游问题的解决方案。

    We described briefly the concept of the identity authentication in this paper , and mostly introduced the code technology of the identity authentication ? electron pass and biology distinguish technology , At last we put forward the solution scheme of the ramble .

  23. 本文基于智能卡和USB电子加密钥匙开发了一套CSP,详细介绍了其设计方案、实现流程和典型应用案例。

    This paper introduces the design , implementation and application of CSP , which is based on Smart Card and USB Key .

  24. 汽车共享服务企业要想取得成功,同样需要在技术方面进行大笔投资,包括电脑编码控制的电子汽车钥匙、预约和收费帐系统等。

    Success also requires a heavy investment in technology , from computer-coded electronic car keys to reservation and billing systems .

  25. 集成电路卡&迈进电子时代的钥匙

    Integrated circuit card & the key of striding forward toward the electronic period

  26. 电子锁和钥匙通过对系统放行和拒绝的记录,可以做出详细的审计报告。

    Both locks and keys record openings and denied entries , providing a detailed audit report .

  27. 管理员可以跟踪敏感地区的进入情况,因为电子锁和钥匙都在记录开和锁的过程。

    An administrator can track access to sensitive areas because both the electronic lock and the key record lock and key activity .

  28. 但吴女士有不同看法:我告诉他们,电子商务的钥匙现在掌握在我们手中,我们应该好好利用。

    But Ms Wu saw it differently : I told them we held the key of e-commerce in our hands now and we should use it .

  29. 管理员可以跟踪进入敏感地点的签约人员和雇员,因为电子锁和钥匙会记录那些未经授权试图进入的开启或异常。

    Management can track contractors and employees that go into sensitive locations , because the electronic locks and keys record openings and exceptions such as unauthorized attempts to gain access .

  30. 一种电子告知防忘钥匙扣属于个人和家庭用品技术领域。

    The utility model discloses an anti-forget key knot with the electric notified , belonging to the technical field of the personal article and the domestic article .