
  • 网络Door Key;Portkey;Portkeys
  1. 她停下来找门钥匙。

    She stopped and fished for her door key .

  2. 我在这附近丢失了门钥匙。

    I lost the door key about her .

  3. W:您是在707房间,这是门钥匙。

    W : Your room number is707.Here is your key .

  4. 这就是为什么门钥匙是做成返回霍格沃茨的。

    This is why the Portkey was rigged to return to hogwarts .

  5. 右门钥匙插孔开关接头

    Right door key cylinder switch connector

  6. 我出去时也是这样,我没有门钥匙。

    That 's how I left . I didn 't have keys to lock the door .

  7. 秘密共享是一种分配重要设施启动权力的方案,如核按钮、银行金库的门钥匙等。

    Secret sharing provides a scheme to assign power , for example , nuclear button , cashbox key of bank , etc.

  8. 你去把所有能找到的门钥匙全弄到手,我去偷姨妈的,等天一黑我们就去试门。

    Now you get hold of all the door-keys you can find , and I 'll nip all of auntie 's , and the first dark night we 'll go there and try'em.

  9. 女洗手间有扇门能通到院子里,但那门的钥匙我们始终没找到。

    Now , in the ladies toilets there was a door that opened up into a courtyard , however no one had ever found the key .

  10. 你有开这门的钥匙吗?

    Do you have a key to open the door with ?

  11. 文字是扇秘密的门,钥匙在我手里。

    Words were secret doorways and I held all the keys .

  12. 他在尝试把钥匙插入门的钥匙孔时遇到了困难。

    He was having trouble getting the key in the door .

  13. 入户门的钥匙不要为一时方便配交给外人,如装修工人、中介等。

    Do not leave your keys to the decoration workers or agencies .

  14. 他把房间门的钥匙交还给接待员。

    He handed back his room key to the receptionist .

  15. 细胞内转导肽&开启细胞调控之门的钥匙

    Intracellular transduction peptide : a key for the study of cell regulation

  16. 你带了铁栏门的钥匙吧,德纳第?

    Have you the key to the gate , Thenardier ?

  17. 而且我连这门的钥匙也没有。

    I 'm not even allowed to have a key .

  18. 保险商们可能在那些不成熟的市场还能拿到长期成功之门的钥匙。

    Those immature markets may yet hold the key to in surers'long-term success .

  19. 《学汉语》是打开中国文化之门的钥匙。

    Learn to speak Chinese is your key to understanding the Chinese culture .

  20. 他毛了门的钥匙。

    He has lost his key to the door .

  21. 他们认为工作是打开成功之门的钥匙。

    They both think that to work hard is the key to success .

  22. 你握著那把可以打开我心之门的钥匙。

    You hold the key that opens up all of my sealed doors .

  23. 你需要牢门的钥匙。

    You 'll need a key for the door .

  24. 卡布其诺是我开启漂亮英语之门的钥匙!

    Cappuccino is my key to beautiful English !

  25. 谁有门的钥匙?

    Does somebody have keys to these doors ?

  26. 那扇打开的门的钥匙被你拿走了,我会自由吗?

    You hold the key to an open door , Will I ever be free ?

  27. 带有许多小锉刀因此能开许多门的钥匙。

    A key with much of the bit filed away so that it can open different locks .

  28. 我们有房间门的钥匙和发动汽车的钥匙。

    We have a key for the door of the house and a key for starting the car .

  29. 但丁:母亲的项链就是打开魔界之门的钥匙么。好主意,老爹。

    Dante : So my mother 's amulet is the key that unlocks the door to the Demon World . Good plan , Pop .

  30. 我刚才描述的太空轨道加油站能够创建一种全新的工业而且提供一把开启全面探索太空之门的钥匙。

    The orbital refueling stations I 've just described could create an entirely new industry and provide the final key for opening space to the general exploration .