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mén dīnɡ
  • doorman
门丁 [mén dīng]
  • [gatekeeper;concierge;doorman] 旧时专门给官府或大户人家看门护院的人

  1. ESBLs产生株对氨苄西林、哌拉西林、奥格门丁及三代头孢菌素高度耐药,除头孢他啶以外,耐药率均在80%以上;

    ESBLs-producing strains were much higher resistant to ampicillin , piperacillin , the combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid and third-generation cephalosporins , except ceftazidime , the resistant rates were more than 80 % ;

  2. 奥格门丁与头孢拉定随机对照治疗细菌性感染

    Randomized controlled treatment of bacterial infections on augmentin compared with cephradine

  3. 卫队长又擒获了大司祭色辣雅,副大司祭责法尼雅和三个门丁。

    And the general took Saraias the chief priest , and Sophonias the second priest , and the three keepers of the entry .

  4. 头孢唑林、氨苄西林/舒巴坦、奥格门丁对铜绿假单胞菌的敏感率最低,分别是4.44%、8.86%、6.71%。

    The sensitivity rate of Staphylococcus epidermidis for cefazolin , ampicillin / sulbactam and augmentin was very lower , 4.44 % , 8.86 % and 6.71 % respectively , and was the highest for vancomycin and imipenem .