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  1. 这就是为什么他们说怀着的孩子生出来了。

    This is why they say babies conceived are born .

  2. 和说怀了男胎的那夜都灭没。

    Let the day perish wherein I was born , and the night in which it was said , There is a man child conceived .

  3. 这么说西莉亚怀着法官的孩子。

    So Celia 's carrying the judge 's baby .

  4. 我躺在那里,医生带领我游览我的子宫,她说我怀的是男孩…我的天,米兰达。

    I was lying there ... the technician 's giving me a guided tour of my uterus ... then she tells me I 'm having a boy My God !

  5. 问(问某女士):这么说你怀上(这个孩子)的日期就是8月8日了?答:没错。问:那么受孕的当时你在干什么呢?

    To a lady , So the date of conception ( her baby ) was August8th ? A : Yes . Q : And what were you doing at that time ?

  6. 说你会怀着上帝之子?

    That you will bear the son of god ?

  7. 我妈说你这次怀的是个男孩。

    My mother said you 're having a boy .

  8. 还有更糟糕的讹传——说伊丽莎白已经怀上了他的孩子。

    Even worse , some wagging tongues said that Elizabeth was pregnant with Seymour 's child .

  9. 但如今她过世了我想也不能说她又怀上新的继承人了

    But now that she 's gone well I assume that conceiving an heir is out of the question

  10. 于是他怀了孕,打发人去告诉大卫说:「怀了孕。

    And the woman conceived , and sent and told David , and said , I am with child .

  11. 他说:我怀着巨大的成就感宣布我准备退役。

    He said : It is with an immense amount of pride that I am announcing my intention to retire .

  12. 幸运的是,整个过程进行得很顺利,纳瓦罗说自己成功怀上了一个女婴儿。

    But the procedure was a success , and Navarro said she 's had a smooth pregnancy carrying a developing baby girl .

  13. 我心中不停地想着另一个更大的问题:当我告诉经理说我已怀上第一个孩子时,他会说什么?

    My mind kept wandering to a bigger problem : what my manager would say when I told him I was expecting my first child .

  14. 他说:我怀着梦想离开尼日利亚,那就是,我们都有自己的命运,我们都有与生俱来的能力有所作为。

    I left Nigeria , he says , with the dream that we all have a destiny in life and we are all born with the resources to make a difference .

  15. 《正发生》的导演奥黛丽·迪万(AudreyDiwan)说,她是怀着愤怒和欲望拍摄的这部电影。

    Audrey Diwan who directed Happening said she 'd made the movie with both anger and desire .

  16. MarionWilliams今年45岁,曾生过五个孩子,其中两个在分娩后夭折。她说:“我怀着胎儿的时候,喝了很多酒,大部分是在周末”。

    " When I was pregnant with my son I drank a lot – mostly on weekends ," says Marion Williams , a45-year-old mother who lost two of her five children in childbirth .

  17. 她说她爱自己怀的孩子。

    She says she loves the baby she 's carrying .

  18. 他说:“我怀着巨大的成就感宣布我准备退役。

    He said : " It is with an immense amount of pride that I am announcing my intention to retire .

  19. 说到怀疑方法论……笛卡儿认为,所有事物都值得质疑,也就是说,带着怀疑心去接触事物。

    And when we say methodological doubt , well ... Descartes believed that everything should be questioned , that is , approach it with doubt

  20. “一头成年大灰熊很少攻击人类的。”马克·布鲁西诺说。他是怀俄明州渔猎部门事后派去调查的调查员。

    " Adult male grizzlies rarely attack humans ," says Mark Bruscino , the warden who would later investigate the incident for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department .

  21. 都倚靠虚妄,说谎言。所怀的是毒害,所生的是罪孽。

    None calleth for justice , nor any pleadeth for truth : they trust in vanity , and speak lies ; they conceive mischief , and bring forth iniquity .

  22. 路十一27耶稣正说这些话的时候,群众中间,有一个女人高声对他说,怀你胎的和乳养你的有福了。

    Lk . 11:27 And as He said these things , a certain woman out of the crowd lifted up her voice and said to Him , Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed .