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dī lòu
  • hourglass;water clock;clepsydra
滴漏 [dī lòu]
  • [clepsydra] 漏壶,古计时器之一

  1. 滴漏-女人,因为随着时间推移,它的重量向底部转移。

    Hourglass ? Female , because over time , the weight can shift to the bottom .

  2. Air(初三适用)解决喷雾器滴漏问题的新方法&利用管路压力自动加气

    A New Method for Liquid Leak of Sprayer - Automatic Air Entraining by Pipeline Pressure

  3. 如果滴漏(trickle-down)经济学有一点点道理的话,人们对于不平等的心态或许会好一点。

    One might feel better about inequality if there were a grain of truth in trickle-down economics .

  4. 目的探讨感觉神经肽在鼻后滴漏综合征(PNDs)性咳嗽患者中的作用。

    Objective To explore the role of the sensory neuropeptide in the chronic cough induced by postnasal drip syndrome ( PNDs ) .

  5. 在ChemtrolTru-Bloc关闭阀安装和测试后,连接到满储的储罐的管道开口将不会开始滴漏。

    Open piping attached to a filled tank will not start to drip-leak following installation and test of a Chemtrol Tru-Bloc shut-off valve .

  6. 主机淡水加热器的蒸气阀有滴漏。

    The steam valve of main engine fresh water heater leaked .

  7. 92例儿童鼻后滴漏综合征诊治分析

    Analysis of 92 postnasal drip syndrome in children of ambulatory treatment

  8. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。

    The rain dripped down from a leak in the roof .

  9. 中西医结合治疗鼻后滴漏综合征的临床观察

    Therapeutic effect of integrative medicine therapy on postnasal drip syndrome

  10. 青少年鼻后滴漏综合征与腺样体肥大67例

    Correlation of postnasal drip syndrome with adenoid hypertrophy in adolescents

  11. 水龙头滴漏,费水又耗能,快些修理好!

    Dripping faucets waste water & energy , repair ALL LEAKS promptly .

  12. 要留意观察高压管线的活动弯头是否有滴漏。

    Chiksan sections in high pressure lines should be watched for leaks .

  13. 感觉神经肽在鼻后滴漏综合征性咳嗽中的作用

    Role of sensory neuropeptide in the chronic cough induced by postnasal drip syndrome

  14. 167例鼻后滴漏综合征治疗分析

    Analysis of 167 postnasal drip syndrome 's ambulatory treatment

  15. 他拧紧水龙头,水不再滴漏了。

    He gave the tap a firm twist , and the dripping stopped .

  16. 小儿鼻后滴漏并发慢性咳嗽66例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 66 Children Cases With Chronic Cough Complicated From Postnasal Drip Leakage

  17. 大雨之日连连滴漏,和争吵的妇人一样。

    A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike .

  18. 如果滴水仍然继续,则稍微更紧的关闭阀门直到滴漏停止。

    If dripping continues , close the valve more tightly in small increments until dripping ceases .

  19. 滴漏的水头每天可耗水70升;为免浪费,应即修理。

    Fix dripping taps immediately , because they can waste up to70 litres of water a day .

  20. 蠕动泵灌装,精度高,无滴漏,易于清洗。

    Peristaltic pump filling , high precision , no drop , easy to clean , no pollution .

  21. 愚昧的儿子是父亲的祸患,妻子的争吵如遇连连滴漏;

    A foolish son is his father ruin , and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping ;

  22. 目的探索治疗多涕所致鼻后滴漏综合征的有效方法。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of integrative medicine therapy ( IMT ) on postnasal drip syndrome .

  23. 咳嗽变异型哮喘、鼻后滴漏综合征和胃-食管反流性咳嗽,给予针对性治疗,症状缓解率可达90%以上。

    90 % of the symptoms ( CVA , PNDS , GERD ) could be relieved after causative treatment .

  24. 以过滤滴漏的方式调制咖啡,就是让热水通过一堆松散、粒大小中等的咖啡粉末。

    When filter drip coffee is prepared , hot water passes through a loose aggregation of medium-size coffee grounds .

  25. 鼻后滴漏综合征的中医治疗及与红细胞免疫的相关性研究

    Clinical Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Postnasal Drip Syndrome , PNDs and the Relationship between PNDs & the Red-cell

  26. 这也是灌水测试,几分钟后就能看到滴漏的原因。

    This cause the slow dripping which become noticeable after several minutes that the bowls were subjected to a water standing .

  27. 首先,我要把一天的时间珍藏好,不让一分一秒的时间滴漏。

    First , I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand .

  28. 结论中西医结合治疗多涕所致鼻后滴漏综合征的疗效优于单纯采用西医治疗。

    Conclusion The therapeutic effect of integra - tive medicine therapy is superior to that of simple western medicine therapy on PDS .

  29. 现在可以拆卸阀盖。如果后座无法提供无滴漏密封,则会有轻微的泄漏。

    The valve bonnet may now be removed . There may be slight leakage as the backseat does not provide a drip-tight seal .

  30. 尤其是尾矿库堆存场发生的危险性事故:尾矿库泄露、尾矿库溃坝、尾矿传输管线滴漏等。

    In particular , the risk of the tailings reservoir : the tailings leak , the tailings dam failure , tailings transmission pipeline drip .