
  1. 你能说人家不懂教育?

    Can you say the old man doesn 't know education ?

  2. 想想你自己吧,别老说人家。

    Think about your own life too , not just others .

  3. 她总是在背后说人家的坏话。

    She always speaks ill of men behind their backs .

  4. 在别人背后说人家的坏话是可耻的。

    It 's shabby to speak ill of others behind their back .

  5. 不说人家像猪那样胖,那是不礼貌。

    Never call someone as fat as a pig ; that is impolite .

  6. 我这么说人家才愿意买

    I was just saying that so people would want to buy them .

  7. 我生平从来没听见你说人家的坏话。

    I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life .

  8. 你对素未谋面的人不能那样说人家。

    You can 't say things like that about someone you 've never met .

  9. 他总是说人家坏话。

    He always speaks ill of others .

  10. 我经常看到她和其他的女人在一起东家长,西家短地说人家的闲话。

    I often see her talking with other women and dishing the dirt about someone .

  11. 你不该忌妒人,说人家的坏话。

    It is unwise of you to be jealous of others and to speak evil of others .

  12. 差不多总是我说人家听,听得不耐烦把电话挂断了。

    It Is always I talk and others lIsten , tIll they run out of patIence and hang up .

  13. 我对他说人家对我非常有信心,就是我太自私、太吝惜了。

    I told him that people right and I am very confident that I was too selfish and too natural .

  14. 不要说人家对你做了些什么什么,问一问你自己为你的国家贡献了什么。

    Ask not what Japan once did for you , but ask yourself what you have contributed to your country .

  15. 哎,慢著!你对素未谋面的人不能那样说人家。

    I say , steady on ! You can 't say things like that about someone you 've never met .

  16. 赫德利:没错,他在这里很有人缘,因为他为人友善,而且总是说人家好话。

    Hedley : yes he 's very popular round here because he 's very friendly and always has a good word for everybody .

  17. 他在人行道上骑车撞了人,还强词夺理说人家没给他让路。

    He hit a pedestrian while riding his bicycle on the pavement , but still he offered the lame excuse that the person did not make way for him .

  18. 张翔委屈的说:人家下午还要穿呢。

    Zhang injustice of say : the somebody else will wear the afternoon ?

  19. 好好说,人家才能听清你的话。

    Speak so that your words are clear .

  20. 他常说搭人家便车就像夏天晚上的两只六月金龟子

    He used to say cling to them like you was two June bugs on a summer night .

  21. 说这里人家的椅子上、桌子上经常可以看到粘上去的小贝壳,就像海边的乌龟身上粘着的贝壳似的。

    that to their very chairs and tables small clams will sometimes be found adhering , as to the backs of sea turtles .

  22. 其实你要说给人家听,不论你固执的想法和不可动摇的态度会引起反感而制止人家去注意。

    In fact , if you wish to instruct others , a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention .

  23. 但每次警方都说这是人家家里的事,外人不得干涉。

    However , each time , the police told the neighbors that it was a domestic problem and that they would not intervene .

  24. “她说体面的人家不该和他们那儿的人掺合,”佩妮接着说,可莉莉不耐烦地甩开胳膊。

    ' She said respectable people shouldn 't have anything to do with them , 'she continued , but Lily shook her off impatiently .

  25. 达西先生恬不知耻地夸口说,叫人家受罪是他的拿手好戏,这使她愈发深刻地体会到姐姐的痛苦。

    Mr. Darcy 's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister 's sufferings .

  26. 范小姐看她上轿子,祝她们俩一路平安,说一定把人家寄给孙小姐的信转到上海,“不过,这地址怎么写法?”

    Miss Fan watched miss sun get into the chair , wished Jou-chia and Hung-chien a pleasant journey , and said she would certainly forward miss sun 's mail to shanghai . " but what address should I use ?"

  27. 为什么我感觉你说的葡萄牙语把人家惹恼了?

    Why do I get the feeling you really suck at Portuguese ?

  28. 你心情太差,可能说错话惹到人家

    You 're too upset , and you might say something insulting .

  29. 男人不喜欢听女孩子说是他们把人家弄哭。

    they don 't like you to tell them they 've made you cry .

  30. 比如说做一个人家都知道你是在这样的事件里。

    What if you do something that everybody knows , and you are in it ?