
  1. 美国90年代长达十年的经济繁荣,雷根政府打下的基础可以说是功不可没。

    Reagan 's government took ineffaceable credit for itself for the ten-year economic prosperity in1990 's.

  2. 作为社会主体,人类在这一过程中可以说是功不可没。

    As a social subject , the human in the process can be said to be denied .

  3. 也就是路径独立所说的,功为。

    Another way to say it is path independence tells you no work .

  4. 也就是说,通过无功电压综合补偿,可以大大提高供电质量。

    That 's to say , quality of power supply can be improved greatly by the synthetic compensation of reactive power and voltage .

  5. 辛楣鸿渐都避嫌疑,不愿意李梅亭说他们冒他的功,真吃早点去了。

    Not wishing Li Mei-t'ing to accuse them of trying to steal his glory , Hung-chien and Hsin-mei did go eat breakfast to avoid suspicion .

  6. 这则故事有一个版本说。他因功有赏受封为王,可是他开始压迫老百姓。

    In one version of the story , he was made a king as a reward for his efforts , but he began to oppress the people .