
  1. 教师说:“铃响了,今天就到这里吧”。

    The teacher said : " the bell has gone , so much for today " .

  2. 亚伦说《叮铃》是他听的第一张单唱片里的一首歌。

    The singer says the song Ting-a-ling was one of the first single discs he heard .

  3. 他想了想,自言自语地说:为什么铃响了,就会闯出祸来呢?

    He thought this over and said to himself : Why will there be trouble when a bell rings ?

  4. 他想了想,自言自语地说:“为什么铃响了,就会闯出祸来呢?

    He thought this over and said to himself : " Why will there be trouble when a bell rings ?