
tiān wén yí
  • Astronomical instrument;astroscope
  1. 借助天文仪,通过实际观测,他们搜集了许多天文数据,有效地进行了对天文学的研究。

    Zhang , in cooperation with his colleagues , made the bronze armillary sphere and ecliptic sphere , with which they gath-erect lots of astronomic data through practical ob-nervation , and carried out effective astronomic re-search .

  2. 天文干涉仪天线伺服系统设计与实现经纬[线]网,经纬仪

    The design and realization of servo system of antennas for Astronomical Interferometer

  3. 斐索型天文光学干涉仪的高分辨率图像重建技术研究

    Research on High-Resolution Image Reconstruction of Fizeau Interferometry Telescope

  4. 利用天文光学干涉仪成像,可以获取最长基线对应的高频率信息,但往往只能获得部分频域覆盖。

    By using interferometry telescope , higher frequency information corresponding to the longest baseline can be obtained ; however , the U-V plane is just partially covered .