
  1. 据文化人类学的道德变动论,周作人分析了诸多以道德不变论为核心的道德现象,批判了天不变道亦不变的旧伦理观念。

    According to the theory of moral change , Zhou Zuo-ren criticized the theory which showed morality was changeless .

  2. 进化论对中国的正面影响体现在进化论振奋了中华民族的精神,摧毁了天不变,道亦不变的教条以及打破了历史循环论的怪圈这三个方面;

    Its positive influences are : it roused the spirit of the Chinese nation , it destroyed the doctrine of " Nature dose not change , nor dose Tao ", and it broke the cycle of the cyclical theory .