
  • 网络crisis management;crisis intervention
  1. 完善风险应对和危机处置制度安排,构建区域性金融风险预警系统,形成应对跨境风险和危机处置的交流合作机制。

    We should improve the system of risk response and crisis management , build a regional financial risk early-warning system , and create an exchange and cooperation mechanism of addressing cross-border risks and crisis .

  2. 印巴关系前景从南亚灾难看印巴危机处置与管理能力

    Prospect of India-Pakistan Relations A Perspective of Crisis Management In India and Pakistan from South Asia 's Natural Disaster

  3. 因此,这些债务为何被人忽视,而房地产开发贷款却通过国家资产管理局(nationalassetmanagementagency)得到了危机处置?

    So why has this debt been ignored , while property development loans got crisis treatment via the national asset management agency ?

  4. 欧元区面临的严峻挑战在于,要让危机处置与经济调整相辅相成。

    The huge challenge is to make managing the crisis compatible with adjustment .

  5. 媒体管理是公共危机处置过程中的一个重要方面。

    Press control is a critical part of the treatment of the public crisis .

  6. 五是以风险监管为核心,建立合理的市场准入制度,科学的监管指标和监管方式,完善危机处置和市场退出机制等。

    Five , risk supervision should embody the definite admittance standard , scientific supervision index system and methods , the perfect crisis disposition and withdrawing procedure etc.

  7. DRM技术在公共危机应急处置中的运用研究

    Research into Application of DRM Technology to Emergency Handling off Public Crises

  8. 护士对住院精神病人危机状态处置方式的调查

    A survey of mode on nurses dealing with crisis state of psychotic inpatients

  9. 首先,介绍了选题的背景及意义,并对银行危机及其处置措施从理论上进行了简要的概述。

    First of all , introduced the background and significance of the topics , and made a brief theoretical overview of the banking crisis and its measures for dealing with it .

  10. 此外,为了从外部环境上着力解决影响和阻碍公共危机事件处置的不利因素和问题,本文还在此方面提出了针对性建议。

    Furthermore , in order from the external environment affect and hinder efforts to solve the crisis of public disposal of unfavorable factors and problems , this article has also put forward specific proposals in this regard .

  11. 该部分内容按照大型节事危机事件处置及安保工作四项原则的要求,将大型节事安全保障分为三个阶段,即:前置控制阶段、现场处置阶段和善后处理阶段。

    This part of the content according to big festival crisis disposal and security work four principles of requirements , the large festival security divided into three stages , namely : lead control stage , field disposal stage kind post-processing phase .

  12. 警察危机公关的处置是当今警察公共关系研究中一个备受关注的新课题。

    Handling public relations in crisis of police is a most attractive new subject in the study of police public relations nowadays .

  13. 在公共安全危机事件应急处置中,政府扮演着主导的角色,但政府并不是危机事件处置的惟一力量。

    The government plays a dominant role in the public security crisis emergencies . However , the government is not the only force for the disposal crisis .

  14. 从2008年企图掩盖受污染的奶制品开始,到后来对造成40人死亡的动车追尾事故的处理,中国的国家机器近些年来面对接连发生的重大危机一直以处置不当见长。

    Its state apparatus has excelled in recent years in mismanaging a succession of big crises , starting with the attempted cover-up over contaminated milk in   2008   to   a   high-speed   rail crash that left 40 dead .

  15. 图书馆安全危机的防范与处置

    Prevention and Treatment about the Safety Crisis of Libraries

  16. 学校危机管理预警与处置研究

    The Warning Management and Treatment of School Crisis

  17. 监狱系统在此阶段主要从建立和完善新闻发言人制度及快速反应机制入手,对监狱危机进行有效的处置。

    In this phase , the jail organ should emphases on establishing and improving two system & the news spokesman and rapid reaction mechanism .

  18. 他未能足够早地意识到次贷问题的规模,但他在危机爆发后的处置是果断的,而他的判断也务实得令人放心。

    He did not grasp the scale of the subprime problem early enough , but his handling of the crisis since it broke has been decisive and his judgment reassuringly pragmatic .

  19. 从而提高我国公共图书馆应对各类危机应急事件的处置能力,减少危机对公共图书馆所造成的危害,确保公共图书馆在信息社会中保持健康、稳定、持续发展。

    It can improve the capability of library management and the ability to deal with unexpected emergencies , reduce harm to the public library , and ensure that the public library in the information society to keep healthy , stable and sustainable development .

  20. 同时,对本地区民众进行针对性教育和相应的应急训练,以增强他们的危机心理承受能力与危机处置能力。

    Meanwhile , training of emergency response capacity should be carried out pertinently to the local people by the governments . By so doing , the capacity of psychological endurance and disposal for crisis of the people will be enhanced correspondingly .

  21. 警察危机公关具有危机高发性、处置难度大、负面影响深的显著特点。

    The public relations in crisis of police has three characters which include occurring frequently , difficult to handle and bearing deep negative influence .

  22. 本文对中方处理此次危机的过程做出初步考察,并结合国际危机管理理论,对其危机处置能力与效果进行评估,对中国的危机管理机制做出分析。

    By applying theories of international crisis management , the essay attempts to determine both the merits and shortcomings of the Chinese management regime and its capabilities .

  23. 当监狱危机的发生不可避免时,监狱危机管理体系就进入反应阶段,在此阶段的主要工作是进行危机处置。

    When the jail crisis bursting out , it comes to the reaction phase , which relates to dealing with crisis .

  24. 在危机的不同时期,危机公关的应对策略是各有侧重的。警察危机公关具有危机高发性、处置难度大、负面影响深的显著特点。

    In different periods of a crisis , countermeasures for coping with public relations in crisis are somewhat different . The public relations in crisis of police has three characters which include occurring frequently , difficult to handle and bearing deep negative influence .

  25. 但目前,公共危机管理领域中更多谈论的是危机决策的构建,忽视了公共危机预警机制中危机预判对于危机处置的重要性。

    But there is a trend in the public crisis management field to talk more about the decision-making mechanism and the importance of the advance estimation for crisis in such a system has been ignored .

  26. 因此,加强对警察公共关系危机的四个发展时期以及警察公共关系危机产生原因等问题的研究,并在此基础上提出警察公共关系危机处置的具体方略,就成为当前一项十分重要的课题。

    So to research on the four development phases and the reasons for their occurrence as well as to put forward concrete strategies to deal with the crises of police and public relations has become a very important subject currently .

  27. 由于公共危机的突发性和不确定性,当面临突发事件时,应急指挥人员往往参考相似的公共危机案例所提供的历史经验和知识进行危机处置和决策。

    Since the public crisis is sudden and uncertain , the emergency commanding officers often make a strategic decision which rely on the historical experience and the knowledge of similar crisis case when confronting with unexpected events .

  28. 然后分析了社会危机的特点,因为我们只有掌握了社会危机的特点,才能有针对性地制定社会危机管理的措施,从而有效地对社会危机进行处置。

    Then analyzed the characteristic of the social crisis , because we have only grasped the characteristic of the social crisis , we could make the social crisis management measure pointedly , thus handle the social crisis effectively .