
  • 网络Product Adaptation
  1. 对国内品牌全球化过程中的本土化设计可以借鉴跨国公司成功经验采用产品延伸、产品适应、产品创新这三种海外本土化设计方法。

    Product prolong , product adaptation , product innovation are the main three way of oversea design for reference .

  2. “全球本土化”(全球化与本土化两个英文单词的混成词)是指全球化的产品适应所销售国家的本土化特征。

    Glocalization ( a portmanteau of globalization and localization ) is the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture in which they are sold .

  3. 在这种大环境下,ACC公司必须保证其航空信息软件产品适应环境的变化,向航空公司提供高质量的信息产品,这样才能立于不败之地。

    The challenge to ACC company is to accomodate its software products to the changing environment and develop high quality product for airlines .

  4. 复合产品适应模切、裱瓦和压纹。

    The laminates obtained with the emulsion are suitable for mould-cutting , backing and embossing .

  5. 产品适应了中医临床需要,质量稳定可控,在实现中药标准化、产业化道路上走出了创新之路。

    The quality of their products is stable and controllable and able to meet clinical needs .

  6. 产品适应各种:笔记本、电脑、电器、汽车、音响、精密紧固件。

    Our products are widely used in : laptops , appliances , cars , sounders and precision fasteners .

  7. 如何提高软件开发的生产力及如何保证软件产品适应多变的客户需求是信息化建设领域必需要解决的两个核心问题。

    How to improve productivity of software and ensure the adaptation to changeable client requirement of software is the key in information construction field .

  8. 该指南描述在图形用户界面需要配置什么以使产品适应操作者的需要。

    This tutorial describes what needs to be configured via the Telco GUI in order to tailor the product to the needs of the operator .

  9. 因此该产品适应了家具发展的新趋势,顺应了可持续性发展和环保的要求,有效地减少了木材资源的消耗。

    It has adapted to the trends of furniture development , and conformed to the sustainable development and environmental protection requirements . It has reduced the consumption of timber resources effectively .

  10. “顾客满意度”(CSI)是产品特性适应顾客需求的程度。

    The " CSI " is the degree of satisfaction of the product performances to customer needs .

  11. 公司的产品主要适应于便携式产品、ADSL、电源、路由器、交换机、视频、小家电、显示器、电脑主机板、数码产品等。

    The product is mainly used in potable , ADSL , router , switch , video , mini electric appliance , display , mainboard of computer , digital production , ect .

  12. 不是所有的产品都适应网络营销。

    Not all products are suitable for internet marketing .

  13. 开发专项产品,适应市场需求;

    Develop specialized products to meet market demand ;

  14. 为了满足客户需求和赢得市场竞争,企业生产定制和个性化的产品,适应这种市场变化趋势的大规模定制营销便成为21世纪企业竞争的战略思维。

    In order to meet the needs of customers and win market competition , enterprises product customized and personalized products .

  15. 这就要求我们提高大型加工设备的工作效率,生产出更多的产品以适应市场的需要。

    This needs us to improve the efficiency of the large equipment to output more production to meet the marketing needs .

  16. 表明用该种方法纺成的麻/棉混纺纱,虽然原料成本较高,但质量较好,可提高长纤设备的适纺性,有利于开发高档产品,适应市场的需要。

    The results show that compared with traditional cotton / ramie yarn , the quality of the said yarn is more improved .

  17. 我公司视以品质,服务为企业之生命,不断开发新产品以适应不同客户的需求;

    Our company regards quality and service for corporate life , and constantly develop new products to meet the needs of different customers ;

  18. 按照本设计生产的产品可适应多种输入信号,达到多信号变量程自动切换、全自动数字调校的功能。

    The products with design is suitable for many input signals and can realize auto-shifted measuring range and fully automatic digital tuning functions .

  19. 目前,我们主要产品是适应流行趋势的拖鞋,高跟鞋,凉鞋,靴子等。

    At present , we mainly produce sandals , dress shoes , high heel shoes , flats and boots with fashionable and comfortable design .

  20. 日本的软件工业位居全球第二,采用哪些步骤使瑞星的产品能够适应日本市场?

    What steps has it taken to adapt to the Japanese market , which ranks second in the world in terms of its software industry ?

  21. 相应的,商界也开始通过推出有着荒唐价格的产品来适应这种奢侈的需求,如价格高昂的年夜饭。

    Accordingly , some businesses begin to accommodate such a luxurious demand by advertising products , such as a Spring Festival dinner , at ridiculous prices .

  22. “七五”期间,化学工业保持了一定的发展速度,但经济效益较差,其主要原因是:行业结构不合理,产品不能适应市场需求;

    During the7th Five-Year Plan period China was able to develop its chemical industry at a sustained growth rate but with not so good economic results .

  23. 确定不同有机质含量的最优固化剂掺量和水泥掺量,使得所开发的固化剂产品能适应于各种不同有机质含量的软土。

    The optimal curing agent content and cement content were determined so that the developed curing agents can be applied to soft soils with various organic matter contents .

  24. 敏捷制造的核心是高质量、低成本、快速开发新产品以适应市场的快速变化和满足用户的需求。

    Agile Manufacturing ( AM ) is an advanced manufacturing model whose core is high quality , low cost and fast designing new products to fit the fast change of market and customer requirements .

  25. 旅游资源市场价值是指某种旅游资源在特定条件下,为旅游业开发利用的可能性,以及对其在转化为旅游产品后适应市场的能力和所能产生效益的预期。

    The market value of tourism resources refers to exploitation possibility of certain tourism resources under given conditions in tourism industry , and market adaptability and expected returns of transferred tourism resources to products .

  26. 为保持洞穴旅游的持久吸引力,应充分发掘洞穴文化内涵,提高其文化品味,并设计多元化旅游产品以适应市场需要。

    It is necessary to explore the cultural factors , to raise its cultural taste and to design diversified tourist products to meet the demand of market in order to keep continually attractive of cave tourism .

  27. 随着信息化建设需求的快速增长,如何提高软件开发生产力和保证软件产品能够适应多变的客户需求是每个软件研发公司需要考虑和解决的问题。

    As information construction is increasing rapidly , how to improve software development productivity and ensure that software products to adapt to meet changing customer needs is that each software development companies need to consider and resolve issues .

  28. 根据产品设计适应期的存在,将生产过程细化为设计与制造,并从设计与制造角度分别分析解耦点的定位,给出两者集成的2维定位模型。

    Considering product design adaptation period , production process was subdivided into design and manufacture . Then , customer order decoupling point position was studied from design and manufacture perspectives , and a two-dimension position model integrating design and manufacture was provided .

  29. 该改性方案具有技术稳妥可靠、产品能适应市场需求、投资少、见效快、改造期间不影响硝酸铵装置的正常生产、经济效益和社会效益、环境效益好等特点。

    This scheme of modification has the characteristics of a safe and reliable technology , a product adaptable to market demand , low investment , quick effect , the normal operation of the ammonium nitrate unit not affected during retrofit , and good economic , social and environmental benefits .

  30. 为确保产品质量,适应新形势下的采购需要,NEC建立了一套严格而有效的采购控制体系,很值得国内电子企业借鉴。

    NEC established a strict and effective purchase control system to ensure product quality and meet the new requirement under new conditions .