
  1. 制定共有产权房的出售和回购价格。

    Draft the sale and repurchase prices of mutual-property right housing .

  2. 我国小产权房问题由来已久。

    In China limited property house has long been a problem .

  3. 对于小产权房这一概念,在不同情况下有不同含义。

    Small property right house has different meanings in different situations .

  4. 试论小产权房的法律症结与改革路径

    The Legal Issues and Reform Path for Informal House Property

  5. 小产权房一直是社会关注的热点问题。

    Informal house property has always been a hot topic of social concern .

  6. 小产权房交易之法律难题在于其法律关系不明确,产权不清晰。

    The legal problem in transacting incomplete-property-right houses is the unclear legal relationship .

  7. 最后提出解决小产权房问题的对策。

    Finally put forward to solve the problems of small property right house .

  8. 第三章提出了小产权房的解决途径。

    Chapter III presents solutions of restricted property houses .

  9. 而小产权房问题是由多面的原因造成的。

    But the small property right room question is creates by many reasons .

  10. 基于利益博弈视角的小产权房市场分析

    Analysis on Small Property Right House Market From the View of Interest Game

  11. 交易费用视角下的小产权房解析

    Analysis of " Informal Property Rights Housing " on View of Traction Cost

  12. 道是非法却有情:小产权房开发的经济学分析

    Reasonable But Illegal : An Economics Analysis of Urban Residential Development of Incomplete Property Rights

  13. 任何事物的诞生都有原因可循,小产权房也不不例外。

    Everything comes out with a reason , as well as the limited property house .

  14. 集体土地之上的小产权房法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Aspects of " the Informal Property Rights " on Rural Collective Land

  15. 但目前仍禁止农村集体建设用地上的小产权房合法化。

    But the ban is still on the rural collective construction land house property legalization .

  16. 农地制度安排与村民集体行动&小产权房问题探析

    Institutional Arrangement of Rural Land and Collective Action of Villagers : Analysis on Incomplete-property-right House

  17. 其次对小产权房产生的原因进行了深入的、全面的分析。

    Followed by in-depth , comprehensive analysis of the causes of the small property room .

  18. 对我国小产权房问题的认识基于成本效益分析

    Thinking on the Informal Property Rights in China & Based on the Theory of the Cost-Benefit

  19. 小产权房持有者的动机研究&以武汉市小产权房为例

    Motivation Investigation for the Leaseholders of " Restricted Property House ": A Case of Wuhan City

  20. 对我国农村宅基地使用权法律调整的立法建议&兼论小产权房问题的解决

    Legislative Suggestion To Legal Adjustment For Right To The Use Of Curtilage In China Rural Areas

  21. 但目前而言,小产权房还处于一个比较尴尬的地步。

    But for now , the small property room is still in a rather awkward situation .

  22. 解决小产权房的前提条件就是建立集体土地使用权流转机制。

    Prerequisite of solving the estates is that it should establish transfer mechanism of collective land tenure .

  23. 但是,小产权房的价格优势,使其具有广泛的市场效应。

    However , price advantages of the restricted property houses make it have a wide market effect .

  24. 国家也正在加紧研究小产权房的对策。本文主要分为六个部分。

    The Government is also stepping up to study the countermeasures of the small property room issues .

  25. 小产权房是在集体土地上建造的,向非本集体经济组织成员出售的住房。

    Limited property house is built on collective land , sold to a member of thenon-collective economic organizations .

  26. 希望本文能为小产权房问题的解决提供帮助。

    After researching , I hope this article can give a hand for solutions of restricted property houses .

  27. 因此,小产权房问题的解决已成为公众关注的焦点。

    In recent years , to solve the trouble of the uncompleted-right house becomes a focus in public .

  28. 小产权房的热销,映衬出法律与社会发展的矛盾与紧张。

    The limited property room hot is reflects the conflict and tension between the legal and social development .

  29. 从根本上解决“小产权房”买卖问题,建立完备的农村土地流转机制。

    Fundamentally solve the " small property room " trading problem , establish a complete rural land circulation mechanism .

  30. 而北京地区的小产权房存在的法律问题在全国各地都很具有代表性。

    But Beijing area small property right house legal questions exist in all parts of the country are representative .