
tíng zi jiān
  • garret;a small, dark back room over a kitchen;a small,dark back room over a kitchen
亭子间 [tíng zi jiān]
  • [a small,dark back room over a kitchen;garret] 〈方〉∶上海一些旧式楼房中的一种狭小黑暗的小房间,位于房子后部的楼梯中间

亭子间[tíng zi jiān]
  1. 被浪子反抗的浪子之王&论鲁迅与亭子间文化

    " The King of Tramps " Resisted by " Tramps ": On Lu Xun and Garret Culture

  2. 亭子间文化是20世纪30年代上海带有边缘性、激进性和波希米亚气质的青年亚文化。

    The radical , marginal and Bohemian Garret Culture is part of the Shanghai culture in 1930s .

  3. 亭台之间有一个怪怪的长廊,里面有很多算命的小亭子间。

    Within the complex there is also a kooky arcade filled with dozens of booths operated by fortune-tellers .

  4. 来自亭子间和山顶上的不同文化身份的知识分子汇聚于延安,形成了一种文化上的不均衡面貌。

    Intellectuals of different culture identities from the garrets and the mountains come together to Yan ' an , forming a cultural imbalance .

  5. 穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风,躲在亭子间里喝自来水,或者索性蒙在被窝里睡两天,看看有趣的小说,以消磨这可怕的长日。

    When I 'm broke , I 'll go strolling around the streets alone on an empty stomach , or shut myself up in my small room with nothing to eat , or lie in bed sleeping for a couple of days or reading an interesting novel , just to while away the terrible long days .