
  • 网络Trincomalee;Trinco;TRINCOMA-LEE
  1. DESILVA提到政府在内战结束后取消了亭可马里长期以来的捕鱼禁令,该地区经历了26年的内战。

    DE SILVA , Sri Lankan government official , on the lift of longstanding restrictions on fishing in Trincomalee , a former conflict zone , since the end of the26-year civil war .

  2. 泰米尔猛虎组织在亭可马里大选数小时前击沉了一艘位于该省东部边缘的斯里兰卡的军用货轮。

    Tamil Tiger rebels have sunk a Sri Lankan naval cargo ship in the eastern border of Trincomalee , hours before voting began in key provincial elections .