
  • 网络Moon Stone;selenite;The Moonstone
  1. 剧情将会带我们闪回到1491年,去看Katherine初次见到Klaus和Elijah,我们也会了解这个月光石诅咒的源起。

    We 'll flash back to1491 to see Katherine 's first meeting with Klaus and Elijah ( yes , Daniel Gillies returns ) and we 'll see where that wretched moonstone curse originated .

  2. 所以你让梅森·洛克伍德帮你寻找月光石

    So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone .

  3. 邦妮觉得月光石在这里

    Bonnie thinks the moon stone is down here . Hey .

  4. 那我们要怎么才能找到这块月光石

    So how are we going to find this moon stone ?

  5. 是什么样的一个月光石

    What 's it look like ? It 's a moonstone .

  6. 你是以月光石作交换的你在那里念叨什么呢

    You bargained the moonstone.What are you mumbling about over there ?

  7. 行给我月光石没人会受伤

    OK . Then give me the moonstone and nobody will .

  8. 我早猜出来了月光石在哪里

    I figured as much . Where 's the moonstone ?

  9. 当然不信我们只想要月光石

    No , of course not . We just want the moonstone .

  10. 他们忙着夺月光石给了你开溜的机会

    And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away .

  11. 狼人的诅咒封印在月光石中

    The werewolf part of the curse is sealed with a moonstone .

  12. 狼人的诅咒被封印在那块月光石里

    The werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone .

  13. 月光石在哪里你要它做什么

    Where 's the moonstone ? What do you want with it ?

  14. 告诉达蒙和斯特凡我要月光石

    Tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone .

  15. 月光石在你身上我能感觉到

    You have the moonstone . I can sense it on you .

  16. 你们就有足够的时间找到月光石并撤退

    Long enough for you to get the stone and get out .

  17. 这个嘛我没把月光石带在身上

    Well , see I don 't have the moonstone on me .

  18. 我是来拿月光石的是啊是啊又是月光石

    I 'm here for the moonstone.Yeah , yeah , the moonstone .

  19. 诅咒可以被破坏掉不过你们要拿到月光石

    You can destroy the curse , but you need the moonstone .

  20. 不是月光石是承载诅咒的

    No. The moonstone is what binds the curse .

  21. 月光石的基本特征及月光效应机理研究

    Study on basic character of Moonstone and the mechanism of its Moonlight effect

  22. 直接给她月光石不行吗那样她会离开

    Can 't we just give her the moonstone so she 'll leave ?

  23. 把月光石给凯瑟琳我自然会解除

    Give Katherine the moonstone , and I will .

  24. 让你朋友交出月光石就万事大吉了

    Tell your friends to hand over the moonstone and all will be groovy .

  25. 月光石才是解开诅咒的关键啊

    The moonstone is what breaks the curse .

  26. 埃琳娜只要能解封月光石中的咒语我们就能救�

    Elena , if we can de-spell the moonstone , We can save your life .

  27. 不那月光石怎么办关于月光石你知道什么

    No , what about the moonstone ? What do you know about the moonstone ?

  28. 需要用到月光石你朋友能弄到吗

    Well , can your friend get the moonstone ? You need it . Yes .

  29. 我们来拿月光石

    We 're here for the moonstone .

  30. 告诉我月光石在哪里

    Tell me where the moonstone is .